The unschooled version of a 10th-grade-ish curriculum plan for 2015-16

This school year would be Ashar’s sophomore year if she were in public school, and it marks an interesting halfway point. We’ve homeschooled for three full school years (plus part of the year before), and now, as we start unschooling 10th grade, we have three full years to go before Ashar can graduate by Pennsylvania law.

And for the fourth year in a row, I’m joining the iHomeschool Network’s Not Back to School Blog Hop for “curriculum week,” once again sharing our family’s radical unschooling take, this time showing what unschooling 10th grade-style might look like, mostly courtesy of Ashar, who has a seriously fun plan about homeschooling through high school and what she wants out of the next few years.

Each year, I’ve heard from people literally around the world who loved seeing how an “un-plan” comes together. If you haven’t already, I invite you to check out some later ideas, the unschooled version of a 12th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2017-18) and the unschooled version of an 11th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2016-17), and our previous ideas, the unschooled version of a ninth-grade-ish curriculum plan (2014-15), the unschooled version of an eighth-grade-ish curriculum plan (2013-14) and the unschooled version of a seventh-grade-ish curriculum plan (2012-13).


Most days, we have no idea what we’re going to learn about until it happens. We make plans – of sorts – but the best opportunities always seem to be those that just arise naturally.

But I see great value in joining the “curriculum week” blog hop, mostly because I want to show other not-exactly-planning, not-exactly-at-a-grade-level, not-exactly-textbook people – and I know you’re out there – that you CAN make this homeschooling thing work!

So with that, here is…

The Conciliottoman family’s unschooling 10th grade plan

We like books.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
We like philosophy.

We like video games.

We like taking trips – to well-known destinations and, uh, some crazy out-of-the-way ones, too.

We like movies.

We don’t like quizzes, tests, requirements and reports.

We love going with the flow.

So how does this turn into “curriculum” – and what else will we be mixing in?

As well as I can, I’m going to try to do a subject-by-subject look; that’s NOT how we learn, and most of what we do is what would in my state documentation be called cross-curricular, but this way, if you’re using a planned curriculum in some subjects and want to mix in something we’re using in another, you can see how it might fit.

History, social studies and geography

Midway through last year, Ashar developed a passionate interest in World War II. In fact, as you’ll see in a post in the coming week where I share our ninth-grade unschooling transcript, she earned two full history credits last year, studying British history as well as World War II.

This year, her plan is to dive even deeper into World War II, and that will frame out a lot of her study across several areas. Some of what we’re hoping to do/see/explore:

  • Our biggest plan is to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
  • Ashar and her dad, Chris, are planning to watch all of Band of Brothers.
  • Ashar decided to read several primary texts on the war, including Mein Kampf (which will be a challenging read for sure), Hiroshima and Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.
  • We also have some overall reference-type books that we hope will help give an overview of the period. Interestingly, one of the things Ashar has found most helpful is part of the Lifepac “curriculum in a box” series of worktexts; these are normally 10-plus-volume sets of miniature textbook/workbook combos, but instead of getting the whole thing, we bought just one unit, Lifepac History & Geography, Grade 10, Unit 8: Two World Wars, which is a 50-ish-page overview to the causes and key points of both wars. Unschooling doesn’t mean we pretend textbooks don’t exist, but for us, they’re just another way to get the info we need.
  • We have a few other World War II movies to watch, like Saving Private Ryan, Grave of the Fireflies (which I HIGHLY recommend) and several others.


This year’s key topic for Ashar is epidemiology – studying disease and how it spreads.

The cool thing here? It all started with Plague, an app where Ashar has tried to wipe out the world with both real-style and, shall we say, more fictionalized diseases.

But here’s what awesome: We’ve learned a ton together about everything from bioterrorism to non-contagious diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

And coming in the spring, I’ll hopefully be starting a master’s degree program in homeland security with a public health preparedness concentration. It’s going to take a lot of my time, and since it’s entirely online, I’m glad that I can share this interest with Ashar and more or less “double-dip,” with her picking up material from my classes as well!

One of her goals this year related to the topic is to start reading some realistic fiction about epidemics, watching movies like Outbreak, which are fictionalized treatments of real diseases, as well as ones like 28 Days Later that deal with “zombie diseases,” which, while not real, can be great conversation pieces!

I’m also hoping to get her interested in reading some of my favorite nonfiction virology and epidemiology books, like The Hot Zone.

And finally, another interesting angle for us will be studying the spread of radiation from the atomic bombs during World War II, tying both these topics together.

(And, while written almost as an aside but clearly not one: Ashar is going to continue to take part in the 4-H Alpaca Club she’s been a member of for several years now, and she’s definitely going to continue to learn more about her favorite camelids!)


What I’ve said in previous years about math bears repeating: To be very clear, we don’t require any “book work” for math. We are huge fans of how math appears in the real world, and we firmly believe that learning through math-in-life is how Ashar will succeed.

Any resources we use above and beyond that are only if Ashar is interested, and not anything we do “formally.”

But Ashar has long enjoyed the Life of Fred series, and this year, she requested that we read Life of Fred: Geometry, in which Fred becomes the owner of a llama. (Which is related to an alpaca, which is thus interesting.)

Fred’s author, Dr. Stan Schmidt, recommends having both beginning algebra and advanced algebra before geometry, and so far Ashar has had what I’m guessing equates to about three-quarters of a year of Algebra I, so I know we’ll have some questions and some gaps to fill in. But I’d much rather tackle things like that around what she’s interested in, than force something she isn’t into and take the joy out of it! I will note that Life of Fred is described as a Christian series, but we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

Ashar has also shown some interest in Khan Academy, so we may use that as a way to hit any “missing pieces” we encounter! (And I’m using it to brush up on everything from algebra to calculus myself before grad school!)

Language arts

Ashar’s goal this year is to read – a lot. She’s got all sorts of interests, and again, they’re essentially based on other topics of interest.

Our reading will focus on the topics mentioned above – World War II, epidemiology, and Llama Geometry. When we can, we’re going to continue something that has worked incredibly well for us, which is reading something and then watching any movie or TV portrayal of it we can find and comparing and contrasting.

Ashar also has her own long-form fiction story she’s working on writing – one set in England, featuring an army fighting not only an enemy army but also possible zombies. (She’s been working on this piece, in epistolary format, for more than a year!)

And her biggest goal is a project she wants to present at the 4-H speech competition, a discussion of how a zombie apocalypse might happen based on real virus or bacteria types – how it might spread, how many people could get infected, and so on. That’s going to be our math/science/history/writing/reading “capstone,” I’m sure!


Ashar actually earned 1.5 credits studying philosophy last year, and she wants to continue to dig further this year!

She’s going to finish More Matrix and Philosophy: Revolutions and Reloaded Decoded, and then dive into Batman and Philosophy, along with Star Trek and Philosophy: The Wrath of Kant. These are dense reads, and if she can get through all 2.5 of them, she’ll have easily earned more than another credit in philosophy.

In addition to Ashar’s reading, we’re continuing to try to be overt about talking about The Big Questions in the world and how different people have tried to answer them. A huge part of that comes from the way we watch movies and discuss them – SO MUCH PHILOSOPHY comes from that!


This is another area that has broken out from “the extras” into “a class of its own,” whatever that means, unschooling-style.

Ashar is passionate about the particular style of art – acrylic ink on Yupo synthetic paper – that we do together, and this year, she plans to continue to build her portfolio of work. She’s already got a piece chosen for the annual Yorkfest fine arts competition and has others planned to enter in the county fair, and she’ll continue to both work on this on her own and share workshops and classes with artist friends of ours.

A specific project she has in mind this year is to create a large-scale abstract painting in the style of the Terminator’s eye. Nothing like sci-fi/art mashups!


This is another offshoot of Ashar’s interest in World War II. She’s fascinated at the idea of learning the German language, in part to better understand some of the less-easily-translated parts of Mein Kampf.

To do this, she’s been using the Duolingo app on her iPod Touch. We also picked up a cool German vocabulary quick-reference guide to help.

Music, technology, physical education and other good stuff

It’s funny: I always lump this stuff together, but all in all it is probably the largest part of our learning, because it’s everything that happens in the real world that doesn’t fit neatly into a “subject” box, and that’s, uh, most of it!

I’ll try to list a few highlights here.

  • Technology: Our biggest areas of technology education are still focusing on how to do “good research” online. When we do posts in our learning guides about famous people series, Ashar’s pretty much been tasked with finding sources. That’s great – and we don’t rule out things like Wikipedia and IMDB for background – but it’s cool to see her start to dig deeper, too.
  • Home economics: We cook, we clean, we shop. In our family, those things aren’t “chores,” they’re just ways we interact together as a family, and we’ll keep doing that. Personal finance is another part we lump into this (and it’s also heavily mathematical)!
  • Physical education: Our biggest source of exercise continues to actually be part of our science “curriculum” – walking alpacas, maneuvering them through obstacles and otherwise putting in the hard work required on a farm! We also regularly play household games of baseball, basketball and soccer, hike A LOT, and generally try to stay active as much as we can.
  • Travel: This is last, but definitely not least; it’s really one of the biggest parts of our learning each year. We have a bunch of trips planned for the coming months and actually just had a fun one earlier this month, visiting Lake Tobias, a safari park about an hour and a half from our home. Our biggest excursion, though, will be a two-week road trip this fall to Phoenix, Arizona, for the Free to Be Unschooling Conference hosted by the family of Ashar’s best friend! We hope to hit a huge number of both well-known and out-of-the-way points of interest on the way there and back.

So how and when do we “do” all this stuff?

I’ve mentioned before that the one thing we can count on almost every day is our family time before bed.

How to homeschool at nightFor night owls like us, this time might start anywhere from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. and go for a few hours!

This is our time to be together and be even more intentional than we try to be the rest of the day about doing stuff as a family.

We read together.

We watch movies and TV shows on Netflix.

We play board games and draw pictures and talk and laugh and pet cats.

It’s funny, because our days are often filled with work (for our house adults) and online gaming (for Sarah). We see a lot of benefits to that too, but people who only know us during the daylight hours probably think we don’t do much together! We’re proud of our approach, though – because we spend our “prime time,” the hours we’re most alert, together!

Meanwhile, we also love to travel, and that’s a big part of our lifestyle. I mentioned some of our upcoming trips earlier in today’s post, and we have dozens more that we’d like to fit in.

Read more about our unschooling approach

If you’re newer to Unschool RULES, maybe you’re wondering about this radical unschooling thing we do.

Here are a few posts that tell more about our lives!

Join the NOT Back-to-School Party!

nbts-blog-hop-calendar-2015Want to see what my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers are learning this year?

Check out the rest of Curriculum Week 2015 at the Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop here (and you can link up your posts, too!)

This post is also part of the How to Teach Without a Curriculum linkup through the iHomeschool Network. Click the image below to read more posts on teaching without formal curriculum!


Unschooling: Our May and June 2015 adventures

Part of the fun of visiting Centralia, an abandoned town with an abandoned section of highway now turned into a living art project, is finding your favorite graffiti!

Part of the fun of visiting Centralia, an abandoned town with an abandoned section of highway now turned into a living art project, is finding your favorite graffiti!

Well, I’m a little (a lot) behind in catching you up on our unschooling adventures. Since I last posted, we totally finished what would have been Ashar’s ninth-grade year, and as of July 1, we’re officially “sophomoring it!”

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
I’m going to hit what highlights I can of the past couple of months, but they may be shorter than usual. I have two HUGE posts in the works – one on making an unschooling transcript for high school, and another on our “curriculum plan” for Ashar’s 10th-grade-ish year – that will be posted in the next couple of weeks, so I’m trying to focus on doing the best job I can on those, and I’ll try to do a more thorough month-end update once July concludes!

(If this is your first time catching our month-in-review posts, welcome! Check out our archive of previous wrapups here for some more info on why we take this approach to documenting some of our unschooling learning adventures.)

For Mother's Day, Ashar and I went with my mom (front) and my sister Linda (right) to tea at our favorite local teahouse. This is now an annual tradition of ours!

For Mother’s Day, Ashar and I went with my mom (front) and my sister Linda (right) to tea at our favorite local teahouse. This is now an annual tradition of ours!


We drove two hours, went to a large mall, and ate dinner with our friends Mmm the hip-hop-otamus and Chompers the panda. No biggie.

We drove two hours, went to a large mall, and ate dinner with our friends Mmm the hip-hop-otamus and Chompers the panda. No biggie.

Movies and TV

  • San Andreas (Um, yeah, she saw this three times.)
  • Jurassic World
  • Eureka (This was probably the “biggest hit” of the past couple of months. Ashar loves it, and we have had a blast talking about the concepts in it!)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise
  • Community
  • Parks and Recreation (I find this show ridiculous… but Ashar, hearing it had His Royal Awesomeness Chris Pratt in it, decided to binge-watch all of it on Netflix. More power to her!)
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron (For both this and Jurassic World, we went with my friend Sam and her son Vincent, who is like a slightly younger boy version of Sarah. It was awesome!)
My mom and I went to see the classic movie Yankee Doodle Dandy, about the life of George M. Cohan, on the big screen at a theater about an hour from home. It was awesome!

My mom and I went to see the classic movie Yankee Doodle Dandy, about the life of George M. Cohan, on the big screen at a theater about an hour from home. It was awesome!

Video, board and card games

  • Injustice: Gods Among Us (This is basically Street Fighter with superheroes and villains, and Ashar loves it.)
  • FIFA 2015
  • Timeline
  • Star Fluxx
  • Parcheesi
  • Cribbage (OK, this was mostly me, not Sarah. My boyfriend Kaitlyn’s parents stayed with us for a week, and cribbage was their family’s main game when he was growing up, so they all tried to teach me to play. I’m terrible. Like, really horrible. But I’m going to keep trying! Fifteen two, fifteen four, knobs, it’s like a weird foreign math language.)
We escaped the room! This was a great way to spend an hour. We can't wait to go back and do the 1950s police-themed room and the soon-to-open Sherlock Holmes one!

We escaped the room! This was a great way to spend an hour. We can’t wait to go back and do the 1950s police-themed room and the soon-to-open Sherlock Holmes one!

Places, projects and odds and ends

    Random soccer fun. This was after Ashar scored a particularly cool goal.

    Random soccer fun. This was after Ashar scored a particularly cool goal.

  • One of the coolest things we did was an escape room! Ashar, Chris, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn’s parents and I went to Escape Games Live in York and did the “Escape the ’70s” puzzle – and solved it! It was awesome.
  • We had two family weddings in the past month: One for my niece in New Jersey, and one for Kaitlyn’s cousin in Pittsburgh.
  • In one of the THREE viewings of San Andreas Ashar had this month, she and Chris did the D-box seats, which move and shake along with the action in the movie. This sounds nausea-inducing to me, but she loved it!
  • For both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Ashar went with relevant family members to tea and brunch respectively at our favorite local teahouse, the Red Brick Bakery.
  • As I mentioned earlier, we heard from our (amazing) evaluator, Dawn, that Ashar was officially GOOD TO GO on the year, and we turned in our paperwork to the school district. Achievement Unlocked: Ninth Grade Completion!
  • We drove two hours in a monsoon to visit the Tyson’s Corner mega-mall, where we then bought nothing except a Cinnabon (well, Kaitlyn bought two pairs of fashion shorts, but Ashar and I did not spend)… mostly because we’re crazy.
  • Also as mentioned above, Kaitlyn’s parents visited us for a week from their home in Arizona. We had a great time just hanging out, watching Eureka and touring local farmers’ markets.
  • As part of their visit, we took everyone to Centralia, our favorite abandoned place. Ashar fell in love with their cemetery and spent the better part of an hour seeking out graves of World War II soldiers there.
  • As a new family hobby, we’ve taken up doing jigsaw puzzles, and last month, we finished a 750-piece panorama of the Las Vegas skyline at night.
  • I had a painting on display in the Adams County Arts Council’s juried show, and I relaunched my personal website as a pseudo-online-art-gallery thing.
  • And, last but not least, my mom and I went to see Yankee Doodle Dandy on the big screen at the Majestic Theater in Gettysburg, which was a cool night out!
And one last Centralia photo; this time, me with MY favorite graffiti in the form of a cat.

And one last Centralia photo; this time, me with MY favorite graffiti in the form of a cat.

So what’s new with your family this month? Drop me a comment! I love hearing from all my “blog friends!”