What we’re reading: Welcome 2013 edition

I can’t think of a much better way to send off 2012 and welcome 2013 than with a post about books!

We’ve been a bit here-and-there with our reading choices lately.

I’m hoping we’ll start another family novel sometime in January, but we’ve been doing shorter and more varied selections through the holidays, and that’s been nice too.

We did finish Life of Fred: Honey and have moved onto Life of Fred: Ice Cream. Only one more book after that in Fred’s elementary math series, and then it’s on to Life of Fred: Fractions, which we actually acquired a couple of weeks ago from another local homeschooling family! I should mention – while Life of Fred is described as a Christian series, we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

For Christmas, we found a couple of small, short books for Ashar that we thought she’d like. They’re called Unlikely Friendships: The Monkey & The Dove and Unlikely Friendships: The Dog & The Piglet, and they’re excerpted from a longer book, Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom. They’re all written by a science reporter who investigated stories of animals that formed, you guessed it, unlikely friendships. My favorite was the one about Muschi the black cat and Maeuschen the black bear, who lived at a German zoo together from about 2000 until the bear’s death in 2010.

These are both short books – you can read each one aloud in a sitting – but they’ve encouraged us to read more about some of the animals included, which has been neat. Plus, WOW, cute photos!

Ashar also received The 2013 World Almanac for Kids, which I expect will give her many hours of browsing pleasure.

Finally in the “gifts” stack of books for Ashar, there was one of her favorites, The Star Wars Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy. Chris’s mom gets Ashar one of the pop-ups from the series by Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart each year, and this year’s was probably Ashar’s favorite yet!

And, in what I love about homeschooling, we’re interspersing these with a college-level text on the ancient art/science/religion of alchemy, which we found in a used book shop. Alchemy: The Great Secret is pretty cool (and filled with a TON of historic art). Ashar and I have been reading it together and she’s done a lot of research on its parallels with modern chemistry, as well as its ties to Roman mythology and, later, some of the modern religions. This is heavy stuff – but she’s not only grasping it, she’s fascinated! (And, no worries, she is not trying to transmute our kitchen counter into gold.)

On the parental reading front, Chris received for Christmas a copy of the Route 66 Adventure Handbook, and I got a copy of John Holt’s Learning All the Time, which I’d read before from our library but wanted my own copy of.

What’s your family reading?

A look back at our 2012 Christmas

We just got home from our “last Christmas,” with my husband’s mom and his sister and her family, and that officially wraps up the holiday for us for 2012.

Here’s a look at a few of our highlights from our many celebrations, mostly in photos.

Our one Christmas wish that we’re hoping to still make come true for ourselves is a new camera – we use ours for all sorts of projects, including our work-related blogs, and the little point-and-shoot we have isn’t cutting it! In fact, we missed capturing some of our most enjoyable Christmas moments this year because the only shots we got were un-view-ably blurry. So we’ll see what we can find that fits into the budget!

Family Christmas tree with gifts

Above is our tree, fully (and I do mean fully) trimmed, with packages underneath. Since we don’t do Santa in our family, it’s easy to get everything wrapped ahead of time. We actually have two full sets of ornaments that we alternate – this is what we call the “family” set, and we have another set that is all Irish-themed.

Joan and Chris opening an edible Christmas present

Here, Chris and I are opening our gift from my mom. This was one of the highlights of Christmas for me – it was all edible! (Mom knows that Chris and I are fairly minimalist and didn’t need a lot of stuff.) It included some of our favorites – beef sticks, prosciutto, special cheeses, gift cards to the local convenience store for work snacks, and even a gift certificate to our favorite sushi date spot. Awesome!! Ashar took this picture; she liked the “artsy” angle.

Uncle Wiggly book and KitchenAid mixer as Christmas gifts

Another mega-highlight for me was receiving a copy of Uncle Wiggily and His Friends by Howard Garis from Chris. I have an absolute love of the Uncle Wiggily stories, but the books are hard to find and long since out of print in their original form. This is an incredibly nice copy – which means it probably went for way more than I’d ever spend on myself, despite how much I love it. So it was the PERFECT gift!

At right above, Mom is opening her big gift – which was kind of a family gift. It’s a KitchenAid super-mega-mondo mixer. (Not a technical term.) She was thrilled! Our previous mixer was failing (and wasn’t capable of heavy doughs like bread any more), so it was great timing! And, we were able to give that one to a friend of ours who just needs an every-now-and-then mixer, so it worked out great.

Santa Claus on firetruck

Speaking of friends, my best friend’s husband is a firefighter with one of our local companies, and on Christmas Eve, he and another driver took two engines out with “Santa” on the top, driving all around their township. We went over to the station house to see them head out, and despite the snow and sleet, it was a super-cool way to do something local and fun!

Santa Claus on firetruck

Ashar did ALL of her own Christmas shopping this year. She was very clear on what she wanted to get for everyone, which was awesome.

The gift of Christmas ephemera

Here, she and Chris are showing off what I think might have been her finest purchase – a set of Christmas ephemera that he could write about for his blog, Papergreat, inside a 1940s-era box called a Tuckaway. She spent hours at a local antiques market picking out just the right things!

Hand-painted Christmas train

This was another holiday project of Ashar’s – painting her own train. One of our family goals for 2013 is to build a real train display, probably O-Gauge, in our basement, but for now, painted had to suffice! She worked very hard on this with my mom! The cutest part was that she had little toy animals riding in the train, and the cars were filled with a tree and packages. Well, on Christmas eve, she emptied the cars and set up a tree and gifts so that the animals would have a Christmas morning. It was super-sweet!

There are two “Christmases” I don’t have photos of – the one where Ashar went to my ex’s parents’ house for their family Christmas, where she got a remote-controlled car that she LOVES, among other cool goodies, and also the one with one of my best friends, Tracey, which involved gift-wrapping, briefly, our big mitten-toed cat, Mitts. Let’s just say it’s probably better that isn’t pictured.

Christmas at Grandma's house

Our final celebration was at the home of my mother-in-law, Mary. Here, you can see her and also Ashar opening one of her gifts – a fun animal-themed game called Hit the Habitat Trail that I think will be fun.

Ashar also got a soft blue LLBean winter hat… which she promptly put on, then topped with her TapOut baseball cap.

Funny hats at Christmas

Word, from our family’s Christmas to yours.