The single biggest way you can support homeschooling families – ours and any other homeschoolers you know – is by being open-minded.
Our lifestyle is our choice, and it might be different than yours. Different than your neighbors’. Different than your sister’s cousin’s hairdresser’s who also homeschools.
If you know our family, you already knew we were different, right?! The homeschooling part – maybe even the radical unschooling part – is probably not that big of a surprise.
In turn, we believe that this site, which started out as a “family journal,” has turned into a place where people from around the world can receive open-minded support about the educational choices their families are making. I truly believe that is what our family is called to provide, and I hope you’ll stand behind that!
My biggest dream is for our learning efforts to become self-sustaining. In real-world terms, that means I hope we can make enough money, mostly through this website, to fund our learning adventures – and to have both the technology and the time available to us to share them through Unschool Rules!
If you’re interested in helping us out, please read on. There are some traditional – and not-so-traditional – ways you can lend a hand!
Advertising on our site
If you have a small (or large!) business and would like to spread the word about it, we offer affordable advertising packages starting as low as $25 a month. You’ll reach more than 8,000 people across and our related Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts!
Email me at [email protected] for a full list of rates. We’re open to unconventional ideas, especially for products and services we support and believe in!
Use our Amazon affiliate links
Occasionally, you’ll see posts of mine that have what are called affiliate links. Essentially, I receive a little bit of money if you purchase the product after clicking on my link.
I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it’s because we really do believe in the movie, book or other item!
Paypal donations
Oh, ick, that part where I say that we can use extra money if you have some to spare! No one likes that, right?
Well, the truth is, we can. All our homeschooling expenses, including books, movies, classes and trips, work like any other cost in our family’s budget – the money has to be available without taking from another needed area.
We are thrilled to make use of a lot of free and low-cost programs in our community. We live for 4-H, our local parks and our library and the opportunities they provide us. But more often than not, it’s a stretch to include things like Lego Junior Robotics Camp, a science and technology enrichment program, or overnight field trips, like our Assateague excursion, that double as family vacations.
So as much as it’s hard for me to put out there, yes, monetary contributions are welcomed as well, in any amount. You can choose how we spend the money, too, if you like. So if you’d like to particularly offset a certain cost, or support our learning in a particular subject area, let us know!
You can donate in any amount here.
Support homeschooling? We thank you!
Most of all, THANK YOU. Thank you for all your comments, your support (in person and online) and your love for us.
That means the world, and we are grateful every day for the ways we have been helped through our homeschooling journey!
Is there a way we could help you and your family? Please let us know and we will do what we can! Email me at [email protected].