Spelling, shopping and a found bird’s nest

So here’s the “great” thing about living and homeschooling in Pennsylvania and following a somewhat untraditional learning approach: We’re what I’ve found is a high-documentation-required state for homeschoolers. The short version of that means that we have to justify our learning a lot more than folks in other states.

That’s not entirely bad – and a LOT is dependent on the evaluator you choose for your independent year-end evaluation; that evaluator’s report, and a portfolio that can actually be very simple, are what go to your district. I’ve been “interviewing” two potential evaluators who both seem incredibly nice, one a current special education teacher and the other a retired teacher from a local private school. The first woman was kind enough to provide a list of what she prefers to see at the end of the year, and I wasn’t too worried about most of it – until I saw that she’d like to see five samples of spelling practice.

Cue Patented Mom Panic. Spelling practice? I’m soooo not giving my kid spelling lists and tests. She has had them for basically six years and remembers exactly zero of the words from them if they’re not things she uses in her daily life. Honestly, why bother? I would MUCH rather she be a “good speller” of words she is using to spell. So I figured, let’s let her be as accurate as possible when she writes or blogs or whatever, and that’s good. Well, then I saw the five samples thing and, while it’s not absolutely required, I started thinking… what do I have to “show” for this?

Enter inspiration of Ashar’s own choosing. She decided to help us write out our grocery list for this week’s trip. Completely without prompting, and completely with an interest in getting things spelled correctly.

Grocery list handwriting practice

And she did a GREAT job. She also improvised on her first take at the word “deodorizer” – take note of “cat litter thing to make it smell good.” But, on her second take, she was willing to give deodorizer a try!

That’s my kind of spelling. Useful, voluntary, and good work – not the “you can’t read my writing, I don’t even know what I’m trying to spell” list-based stuff.

As a side note, Ashar was also incredibly helpful on this grocery trip, and with the menu planning and coupon sorting that preceded it. Our family only shops every two weeks, for a LOT of stuff for the four of us plus the menagerie of animals, and she often comes along, helping with coupons, with putting things in the cart, with making sure we don’t miss anything from the list, and just for fun company. Maybe we’re different, but we like all going to the grocery store together – it’s always at least Chris and me, and Ashar and Mom join us when they can. It’s fun!

Finally, I’ll leave you with this photo, celebrating our first day of spring. We found this bird’s nest on the ground in our backyard, and Ashar liked taking a look at it, seeing how the birds worked different twigs and the dryer lint into it. It now has a place of honor in her room (with an wooden owl figurine in it, not necessarily scientifically accurate but super-cute), and after seeing this, she’s decided we should make a “nesting materials feeder” for the birds out of an old suet feeder (which, of course, we found directions for on Pinterest), so I’ve been saving string and my dryer lint for the cause.

Found birds' nest

Happy spring, everyone! How’s your weather? Ours is slightly damp, but warm and with many sunny days. I love it.

Making our first sensory tubs: Rainbow rice, fuzzies and dice

One thing I’ve read about on a ton of homeschooling/unschooling blogs is the “sensory tub.” (And, yes, they’re all over my favorite site, Pinterest, too.)

Though I usually see them referenced for younger kids, I really thought Ashar would love one. She is incredibly tactile, and when she has something to fidget or “stim” with, it can be a huge help. When she doesn’t… then she’s an incredible nail and finger-biter, cuticle-picker, etc. (So, yes, I admit my “mom motives” on this were a little selfish.)

Anyway, I showed Ashar this recipe for rainbow-colored rice and explained that we could make a cool box of stuff that feels good, just to play around with.

Rainbow rice for sensory bins

She was THRILLED. So, today, we made rainbow rice, bought a couple of fairly cheap plastic containers with tight latches at Target, and made our first sensory tubs. (Or, as Ashar calls them, “Rice stuff boxes.”)

Ingredients for rainbow rice for sensory bins

It’s pretty simple – separate your white rice into a bunch of zipper bags; in a smaller container, mix 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of food coloring, then pour into the bag – and then find a “squisher” to help mix it up!

Rainbow rice for sensory bins, before drying

We made nine colors altogether, and then poured them onto wax-paper-lined cookie sheets and sat them on the deck to dry. Luckily, that only took less than a couple of hours, because we brought them in when it started to rain!

Once the rice was dry, Ashar mixed the colors, and then we started assembling our tubs. The one you see below is our “house tub,” a large one; we also decided to make a “rice car box” for trips; this is smaller and a little less full.

Making rainbow rice for sensory bins in homeschooling

With this rainbow base, we just started adding “stuff that feels good.” I was thrilled, because this turned into a whole-family project. Chris was photographing (which I greatly appreciated!) Ashar contributed a bag of kidney beans and a bag of black-eyed peas; she’d asked for those when we all went to the grocery store Sunday – cheap and good-feeling! I found some buttons and some cotton balls.

My mom went upstairs and came back with one of the MANY leftover centerpieces from our wedding; they were simple glass containers with blue and white river stones in them, and she had the awesome idea to use the stones. Ashar got a brainstorm and went downstairs to our game shelf and came back with her container of extra dice. I wandered upstairs to her playroom and found some tiny plastic farm animals. Ashar was willing to use some of her neon pompoms, or “fuzzies,” from some recent craft projects. In it all went, and we ended up with a container that is completely full of good feelings.

Sensory bin with cotton balls, rice, beans and dice

Here’s the best part. We ALL stood around, running our hands through it, examining the textures, playing games Ashar made up (like, “Let’s find all the dice,” or “How many farm animals can we find?”), scooping with a measuring cup, making stacks, making volcanoes… and just enjoying the good feeling of feeling stuff.

Today might have been the best example so far of why unschooling rules. We spent most of our day on this project, it cost us very little, we all thought creatively, we worked as a team, and we had a GOOD TIME. Plus, now we’ve got something fun that our whole family will enjoy messing with for who knows how long.

Happy Monday. I hope your day was as full of good feelings as ours was!