Unschooling: September 2016 Free to Be edition

Hello from Phoenix, Arizona! Kaitlyn, Ashar and I spent Sept. 27 to Oct. 6 here at the Free to Be Unschooling Conference and visiting with Kaitlyn’s family. (Honest disclaimer: I meant to post this from Phoenix, but didn’t bother editing photos, so now I’m finishing up from back home in York, PA.)

Free to Be is our one chance each year to gather with other people who live and learn like we do, and we sort of try to cram a year’s worth of friendships and communal unschooling living into four days. In today’s post, I’m going to try to mix in both our experiences this September as well as the new things I’ve been thinking about thanks to the awesome sessions at the conference.

If you’re new to seeing our days recapped in this format, check out our archive of previous wrapups here for some more info on why we take this approach and some other highlights of our adventures.

Unschooling in September 2016: The York County 4-H Alpaca Club took some of their animals to a local nursing home to visit with the residents.

The York County 4-H Alpaca Club took some of their animals to a local nursing home to visit with the residents.


Ashar spent a lot of time in September reading a book she started in August, Double-Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
She had originally aimed to finish it before Free to Be, and while she didn’t quite get there, she only has about four chapters left and should finish soon.

She’s also started working on her test-prep books, which she’s using to try to prepare for a placement test at our local community college.

Another reading thing this month: We re-instated one of our longtime favorite things, family read-aloud time! Reading aloud to teenagers is TOTALLY cool – see Alice Ozma’s The Reading Promise if you don’t already think so – and a way for us to enjoy books together! This month, we tackled a short biography of Ulysses S. Grant, and when we get home, we’re on tap to start one about Lionel Messi. If you haven’t already checked out our take on why biographies are so cool, I hope you will – we love them.

The other project going on related to reading at our house right now is one I also mentioned last month: the creation of a “reading room” in a spare alcove. We got rid of a bed that was just taking up space, so now we need to add some comfy seating areas for reading and doing projects!

Unschooling in September 2016: Here's the York County 4-H Alpaca Club at their York Fair show, with their amazing leaders Beth and Sheri. Ashar is wearing her Alexander Hamilton costume from the costume contest.

Here’s the York County 4-H Alpaca Club at their York Fair show, with their amazing leaders Beth and Sheri. Ashar is wearing her Alexander Hamilton costume from the costume contest.

Movies and TV

A special note for our newer readers: I’d love for you to check out our post on learning from movies and TV shows. It really explains a lot about why we are such fans!

  • The Walking Dead: Chris and Ashar are caught up through the end of Season 6 and anxiously awaiting the start of Season 7.
  • Serenity: After finishing Firefly last month, Serenity was an obvious next choice.
  • Blazing Saddles: We watched this a few days after Gene Wilder passed away, because Ashar and I had never seen it.
  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl: Ashar and I had a “Girls’ Movie Day” with my friend Tami, watching this. Liked it a lot; can’t imagine reading it as a book, which is really unusual for me, as I often prefer book versions to movie versions.
  • Mythbusters: One of our longtime favorite series; we pick it up and watch a few favorite episodes every so often.
  • Person of Interest: Ashar and my mom picked this up as their new series!
  • Real Genius: This was a Ashar and Chris fun selection!
  • Thirteen Days: Chris and Ashar watched this awesome Cold War movie, and Ashar really was able to understand and articulate the kinds of problems Kennedy and Russia were facing.
  • Top Secret: Another Ottos Fun Choice, tied to their Cold War theme.
  • The first presidential debate: Ashar was more into this than the rest of our family, so we watched it with her. Certainly eye-opening…
  • WWE Raw: It’s like the debate, only more realistic 😉
Unschooling in September 2016: Another 4-H activity during the York Fair: Helping out at the petting zoo, which is a tradition Chris and Ashar share together.

Another 4-H activity during the York Fair: Helping out at the petting zoo, which is a tradition Chris and Ashar share together.

Video games

This is another area with prerequisite reading! I have a whole series about video-game learning that I’d also love for you to check out if you haven’t already.

  • MLB 15: The Show: Ashar’s custom player, Kuekuatsu “Wolverine” Logan Jr., made it to a 72-game hit streak.
  • Destiny
  • Fibbage 2
  • Pokemon Go: Yep, we play this pretty hardcore! Added bonus: Our hotel at Free to Be is a Pokemon gym, and there is a mall nearby with a bunch of Pokestops, so we were able to level up a bunch – and catch Pikachus, finally.
Unschooling in September 2016: What, more alpacas? In sunflowers? With cool 4-H kids? (I didn't take this photo; our club leader Sheri did; I just think it's super-cool.)

What, more alpacas? In sunflowers? With cool 4-H kids? (I didn’t take this photo; our club leader Sheri did; I just think it’s super-cool.)

Board and card games

Something cool we started this month, which was Chris’ idea, is a Wednesday night family game night after dinner. We have all these cool games that we love to play, but in our lives, it’s just rare for us all to be home at the same time and free to play them unless we really plan for it – so that’s what we’re trying to do! So far we’ve had two, and once we’re back from our Arizona trip we plan to continue.

Games we’ve played this month include Family Feud (basically Ashar’s favorite TV show, made into a family game); Lanterns, which Ashar had bought for us back in April, and which is really low-key and relaxing; and Munchkin, which we’d had since at least last Christmas but never tried – and ended up really enjoying!

Unschooling in September 2016: One of the contests every year at the York Fair is "Who Can Grow the Giant-est Pumpkin?" This was this year's winner (shown with Ashar and Lilac Pengin.)

One of the contests every year at the York Fair is “Who Can Grow the Giant-est Pumpkin?” This was this year’s winner (shown with Ashar and Lilac Pengin.)

Places, projects and other odds and ends

Laser tag party: Ashar turned 16 back in March, and she didn’t want to have a party locally; instead, we celebrated with a mini shopping spree at an out-of-town mall and had a dinner at Texas Roadhouse with our extended family. But what she really wanted was to have a birthday party in Phoenix with all of her closest friends, who either live in that town or were there for the conference. So that’s what we did, at an awesome place called Crackerjax in Scottsdale that I can highly recommend. Laser tag, go-karts, mini golf, arcade games, and good pizza. Sixteen-and-a-halfth-birthday win.

York Fair: Fair time is always big for us. Ashar’s projects from the 4-H fair went on to our big county fair, and her alpaca poster won third place! We’d also both entered some (non-4-H) artwork, and I got first, second and third places for three pieces of mine. Then there was the alpaca club’s show at the fair, where Ashar came in fourth in both showmanship and obstacles and then, for the second year in a row, won first place in the costume category! This year, she was Alexander Hamilton and Glacier the alpaca was Aaron Burr, complete with a shirt with ruffled neck and cuffs, dueling pistols and tall socks (or, in the case of the recalcitrant alpaca, legwarmers). It was pretty great!

Other 4-H fun: We also took the alpacas to a local nursing home and shared them with the residents for an evening. That was great – Ashar likes showing the animals to people who don’t know about them more than just about anything, so she was right in her element.

News from the Mom front: I started my third semester of grad school (which, to be honest, I’m kind of regretting at this point, but we’ll see). In happier news, at a scrapbooking day I went to, I finished our 2015 family scrapbook! That puts me right on track – I generally won’t work on a year ’til it’s over, so I’m usually spending the year working on the previous year’s book. Getting it done a little early is great because now, at two scrapping events I’m going to in October and November, I can tackle some older projects that have kind of been lingering out there and knock them off. In less-good news, after a few months of better-than-usual health for me, I spent most of September feeling a bit more under the weather, which is not super unexpected but still kind of stinks.

Unschooling in September 2016: Here's the crew at Ashar's laser tag half-birthday party in Phoenix - Cam, Liv, Gabriel, Ashar, Janae and JJ in the front with Michael up top.

Here’s the crew at Ashar’s laser tag half-birthday party in Phoenix – Cam, Liv, Gabriel, Ashar, Janae and JJ in the front with Michael up top.

Observations on unschooling from Free to Be

I have to be honest – I really am not at this unschooling conference for the unschooling part itself. I come for the people – our friends and Ashar’s, who we wait all year to see. Last year, I think I only attended maybe two scheduled talks and a couple of art sessions, and that was 100% fine.

This year, though, I had some friends who were speaking, and in particular, who were leading small-group chats about issues that really resonated with me – like unschooling when you have a chronic illness, or unschooling a teen with Asperger’s, or coming to radical unschooling from more traditional and control-oriented parenting methods.

When I’m at home, where I literally know maybe two other unschooling families, Facebook is where I go to find people who understand. Here, I got to do it in person, and it was just absolutely amazing. I didn’t take any actual notes, but there have been a few things that stuck in my mind:

Meet your child as the person they are. This came during an awesome chat led by my dear friend and my “wise owl,” Pam Clark. I think most of us as parents think we’re doing this – we’re very conscious about valuing our children’s uniqueness and would say that we don’t want them to be something they’re not. But in reality, it’s just so easy (and I’m super-guilty of this myself) to say things like “Why can’t you act your age?” or “No one else is having a problem with this, why are you?” And that isn’t respecting who your child is in this moment. Maybe they’re 16, but when they’re disappointed and crying, maybe you’re still talking to the 7-year-old inside who’s dealing with some serious inner angst, and you have to talk to that 7-year-old to make any impact in that moment.

Spending time with your kids is enough. The brilliant Jen McGrail helped us get to this realization during her chat on chronic illness and its effects on unschooling families. Most of us were really bummed about the days when we feel like we can’t get out of bed and go do all the things we think our kids would like to do, or would benefit from. But my friend Rachel Miller said something that really made me think – she went to public school, and her mom had some health challenges. She had family friends who would take her places, but all she really wanted was to just sit and watch TV or just talk with her mom. That really hit me hard. I also had been thinking about how, no matter how many times I tell Ashar in words that her best is always good enough, I’m showing her with my actions and my self-criticism that my own best isn’t good enough for me – and that’s the lesson she’ll learn if I’m not careful. Deep stuff.

It’s OK for us (especially Sarah) to make the decisions that are healthiest for us. That means that Ashar might not ever decide to get her driver’s license. (You would not believe the number of people who started hammering us about that as soon as she turned 16.) She doesn’t want to – and as I heard in chat about unschooling with Asperger’s run by my friend Carma Parden, that’s not only normal but pretty common. I spoke with two late teen/early 20s young people in that group who also do not drive because it’s super-stressful for them. The sad part is, I was really struggling with the idea of Ashar not driving, and somehow, hearing that ANYONE else made the same decision just immediately made it OK to me. I wish I didn’t need that kind of external validation, but at the same time, it’s so great to know we’re not alone in the decisions we make, you know?

I’ll actually have more photos and thoughts from Free to Be in our October roundup, so I hope you’ll check back for that, too!

So what’s new with your family this month? Drop me a comment! I love hearing from all my “blog friends!”

Unschooling: Our August 2016 adventures

I can’t believe it’s September already. This year seems to be flying by. It’s time to check in with a look at unschooling in August 2016, which featured some art, some alpacas, a concert, Battlestar Galactica and more.

This painting of Ashar's, "Imagine," won first place for 15- to 17-year-olds in the 2016 YorkFest.

This painting of Ashar’s, “Imagine,” won first place for 15- to 17-year-olds in the 2016 YorkFest.

If you’re new to seeing our days recapped in this format, check out our archive of previous wrapups here for some more info on why we take this approach and some other highlights of our adventures.

I love Ashar's hair. Not as much as she does, though.

I love Ashar’s hair. Not as much as she does, though.


Ashar’s reading in August has been focused on Double-Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
She wants to finish the whole book before we leave for the Free to Be Unschooling Conference in late September, and has committed herself to a schedule of a chapter a day.

The interesting thing about this is that we used to have an unofficial family read-aloud time at night before bed, and as our bedtimes diverged (mine getting way earlier, mostly), we sort of stopped. It’s cool that Ashar decided on her own to bring back focused reading time!

One other project under way in our house right now: the creation of a “reading room” in a spare alcove. We have to get rid of a bed that’s there now and buy a futon-type thing, but then we’ll have a great reading space.

Our 4-H Alpaca Club show was this month, and Ashar place third in both obstacles and showmanship with Glacier.

Our 4-H Alpaca Club show was this month, and Ashar place third in both obstacles and showmanship with Glacier.

Movies and TV

A special note for our newer readers: I’d love for you to check out our post on learning from movies and TV shows. It really explains a lot about why we are such fans!

  • Scrubs: One of Ashar’s recent favorite series.
  • The Walking Dead: Chris and Ashar are watching this in the evenings and are getting ready to start Season 6. Ashar really does love her zombies!
  • Battlestar Galactica: Ashar and my mom, her Mommom, finished this in August. They always have a series going and watch an episode together when Ashar gets up each day.
  • Firefly: This was what Mom and Ashar picked up after Battlestar Galactica, at Kaitlyn’s suggestion.
For the 4-H fair, the Alpaca Club made posters this year, and Ashar chose as her topic "Alpaca Geography," exploring the countries where alpacas are native.

For the 4-H fair, the Alpaca Club made posters this year, and Ashar chose as her topic “Alpaca Geography,” exploring the countries where alpacas are native.

Video, board and card games

This is another area with prerequisite reading! I have a whole series about video-game learning that I’d also love for you to check out if you haven’t already.

  • MLB 15: The Show: Ashar’s new custom player, Kuekuatsu “Wolverine” Logan Jr. (yes, really) has been vying for a hitting streak.
  • The Sims 3: Chris got this for Ashar and she has absolutely adored it. She recreated the Wolverine Logan family of MLB fame and that’s who her Sims family is based on.
  • Destiny: Ashar got into this a couple years ago but found it really hard to play; lately, she has friends playing with her online and is really enjoying it again.
These doughnuts happened.

These doughnuts happened.

Places, projects and other odds and ends

4-H: This month, we had the club alpaca show, where Ashar placed third in both obstacles and showmanship with her new project animal, Glacier. We also had the 4-H fair, where her poster on “alpaca geography” and her Wildlife Club journals both won gold ribbons, the highest honor.

Dual enrollment: I mentioned in our un-curriculum plan for this year that Ashar wants to take dual-enrollment college classes at HACC, our community college. She took the first round of placement testing in August and really struggled with it, not because of the subject matter but because of the testing itself. Multiple choice has never been Ashar’s friend. She had a number of options, but what she eventually decided is that she wants to work on her test-taking strategies and take another round of placement exams in early November, so she can register for the January classes she wants.

New hair: Ashar got a blue-and-black mohawk. I got a bunch of blue put in the front of my hair. Both are awesome.

Doughnut day: Because we’re weird, Ashar, Chris, Kaitlyn and I spent a Sunday in late August driving around Lancaster County looking for gourmet doughnut shops before finally landing at Duck Donuts. It’s probably – definitely – good that it’s 45 minutes from our house, or else I would gain all the weight.

This is York Mayor Kim Bracey presenting Ashar with her YorkFest award.

This is York Mayor Kim Bracey presenting Ashar with her YorkFest award.

State ID: This is my PSA: If you have 16-year-olds who don’t want to start driving right away, go get them a legal state ID card. So, so, so many things are requiring a photo ID for her and we didn’t have one. Best $30-some I ever spent.

YorkFest: YorkFest is our local arts festival held every August. Each year, there’s an art show for kids and youth, and this year, Ashar won first place in the 15- to 17-year-old category for her painting “Imagine.” The prize is a $50 gift certificate to an art supply store run by our friend Rita, which could not possibly be cooler.

Pen-palling: Ashar has an amazing pen pal in Taiwan, a girl around her age named Christina. She and Christina share letters, gifts and emails all the time. In August, Ashar spent several days writing Christina a three-page missive on American holidays and how we celebrate them.

Concert: Ashar, my mom and I always go see Celtic Thunder in concert in Hershey, PA, and this year’s show was Aug. 21. It was amazing – probably my favorite one yet!

Baby shower: One of my nieces is having her first baby, a little girl who will be named Tova Grace, and we went to her baby shower in August. It was great to have all my sisters in one place! Only downside: A lack of air-conditioning at two venues for the weekend on one of the hottest days of the year.

News from the Mom front: I finished my second semester of grad school in August, and Kaitlyn and I launched a new website for work. It resulted in many, many late nights at work and some serious stress, but it really is nice, if I do say so!

So what’s new with your family this month? Drop me a comment! I love hearing from all my “blog friends!”