The unschooled version of an 11th-grade-ish curriculum plan for 2016-17

We’ve spent the past couple of weeks inundated with back-to-school photos from friends across the country on Facebook, but for a “living is learning” family like us, there’s nothing special about this time of year… except that, for the fifth year in a row, I get to join the iHomeschool Network’s Not Back to School Blog Hop for “curriculum week!” This time, we’re looking at what unschooling 11th grade-style might look like during our last couple of years of mandatory reporting under Pennsylvania law.

Each year, I’ve heard from people literally around the world who loved seeing how an “un-plan” comes together. If you haven’t already, I invite you to check out our later ideas in the unschooled version of a 12th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2017-18), and some previous ideas, the unschooled version of an 11th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2016-17), the unschooling version of a 10th-grade-is curriculum plan (2015-16), the unschooled version of a ninth-grade-ish curriculum plan (2014-15), the unschooled version of an eighth-grade-ish curriculum plan (2013-14) and the unschooled version of a seventh-grade-ish curriculum plan (2012-13).

Most days, we have no idea what we’re going to learn about until it happens. We make plans – of sorts – but the best opportunities always seem to be those that just arise naturally.

But I see great value in joining the “curriculum week” blog hop, mostly because I want to show other not-exactly-planning, not-exactly-at-a-grade-level, not-exactly-textbook people – and I know you’re out there – that you CAN make this homeschooling thing work!

So with that, here is…

The Conciliottoman family’s unschooling 11th grade plan

We like books.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!

We like history.

We like alpacas.

We like taking trips – to well-known destinations and, uh, some crazy out-of-the-way ones, too.

We like giving away stuffed penguins.

We like sports.

We like time with our family and pets.

We love going with the flow.

So how does this turn into “curriculum” – and what else will we be mixing in?

As well as I can, I’m going to try to do a subject-by-subject look; that’s NOT how we learn, and most of what we do is what would in my state documentation be called cross-curricular, but this way, if you’re using a planned curriculum in some subjects and want to mix in something we’re using in another, you can see how it might fit.

History, social studies and geography

Ashar remains incredibly passionate about World War II.

Right now, she’s focusing on spies and espionage, reading a book called Double Cross:The True Story of the D-Day Spies.

We also hope to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.; we’d planned to do that last year and just ran out of time. We also want to watch Grave of the Fireflies (which I HIGHLY recommend).

One of our other big focuses this year will be geography-related. Ashar has started and wants to spend more time working on a notebook with facts about different countries that interest her.

The biggest thing this year is that Ashar is working on being ready to take dual-enrollment courses at our local community college in the spring. She hopes to take a history or geography class, and that will of course be a huge change!

But before she can do that, we have to address one other topic…

Test-taking skills

Dual enrollment comes with a placement test. In order to do her best on it, Ashar’s spending this fall doing something she really hasn’t done for six years – learning how to take a standardized test.

The specific test she’ll take doesn’t have a lot of specific prep materials, except for one sample test she’s already done. So we’re improvising with a couple of books based on the GED, which should be at about the same level.

The first is the Steck-Vaughn Social Studies Test Preparation for the 2014 GED Test. There is actually not a social-studies component to Ashar’s placement test, but it’s one of her favorite topics, so we figured it’s just as good to learn the skills for doing well on these types of questions with a topic she really does like!

The other book we’re working through is GED Test Skill Builder: Reasoning Through Language Arts. This gets at the specifics of what Ashar’s placement test will include for reading comprehension, essay writing and that sort of thing.

This is going to be a big focus this fall for us, and will probably also make up a good part of our “language arts” credits this year too.


This year’s key topic for Ashar is astronomy, especially the planets. Her goal is to create a “Planets Notebook” like her “Countries Notebook” I mentioned above.

We’re super-lucky to be members at a local science museum that has a great Sci-Dome where we can watch all sorts of shows about earth and space. These are AMAZING and we’ve had a great time so far.

Also through that museum, Ashar is looking to take part in a program called STEM Sisters, designed to show girls in sixth through 12th grades about careers in science, technology, engineering and math. We’re looking forward to the kickoff of that in October!

Finally, Ashar is going to continue to take part in both the York County 4-H Alpaca and Wildlife Watchers clubs, where she’s taking on more leadership roles and participating in a bunch of statewide events.


So here’s a fun note: Ashar, who hates math – like whoa hates – took that part of her community college placement test already, and despite exactly zero required “book work” for math since she left public school in sixth grade, she tested into one of the 100-level college math classes, exactly where she would be if she was a high school graduate who hadn’t taken any advanced math classes.

Learning how math appears in the real world really works, friends!

As always, any resources we use above and beyond how we talk about math in life are only if Ashar is interested, and not anything we do “formally.”

But Ashar has long enjoyed the Life of Fred series, and this year, they came out with Life of Fred: Logic, which Ashar is totally into. To her, logic = philosophy, not math, and philosophy = awesome.

Therefore, logic = awesome. (See what I did there?)

And, as I always point out when I talk about Life of Fred: It is described as a Christian series, but we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

Language arts

Ashar’s goal this year is to do well on her reading and writing placement tests, and to catch up on some of the many books she wants to read.

At her request, we came up with a “schedule” for each day that builds in time to read, and to do some work in her placement test books together. This is the formal-est we’ve been in a long time, but I’m glad to do it because it is still all about helping Ashar reach the goals she has for herself!


This is another area that we spend plenty of time on every year.

Ashar is passionate about a particular style of art – acrylic ink on Yupo synthetic paper – that we do together, and she continues to build her portfolio of work. Already since our “official school year” began in July, she found out she won first place in our local YorkFest fine arts competition, and has more pieces selected to enter in our county fair later this month.

(You can see one of her paintings, a Star Trek-inspired creation called Geordi’s Visor, as the background to this post!)

One of her favorite things to do is make art to give as gifts. That’s been so fun to surprise friends around the country with!

Music, travel, physical education and other good stuff

It’s funny: I always lump this stuff together, but all in all it is probably the largest part of our learning, because it’s everything that happens in the real world that doesn’t fit neatly into a “subject” box, and that’s, uh, most of it!

I’ll try to list a few highlights here.

  • Home economics: We cook, we clean, we shop. In our family, those things aren’t “chores,” they’re just ways we interact together as a family, and we’ll keep doing that. Personal finance is another part we lump into this (and it’s also heavily mathematical)!
  • Physical education: Our biggest source of exercise continues to actually be part of our science “curriculum” – walking alpacas, maneuvering them through obstacles and otherwise putting in the hard work required on a farm! We also regularly play household games of baseball, basketball and soccer, hike A LOT, and generally try to stay active as much as we can. New this year, we joined a gym, so Ashar, Kaitlyn and I are working out at least semi-regularly there. (Ashar likes weight-lifting, like her idol, Arnold Schwarzenegger).
  • Music: Ashar has always loved music, but has really gotten into it even more in the past year. One of goals this year is to see more live-music concerts. She’d also love to see Hamilton on stage, but, uh, that’s probably not in the budget.
  • Travel: This is last, but definitely not least; it’s really one of the biggest parts of our learning each year. As with last year, our biggest excursion will be our trip later this month to Phoenix, Arizona, for the Free to Be Unschooling Conference. All of Ashar’s best friends will be there and we are looking forward to this like crazy.
  • Pen-pal fun: Ashar has a super-awesome pen pal in Taiwan named Christina, who she writes back and forth to and exchanges gifts and letters with, both by mail and email. Most recently Ashar wrote her a three-page letter describing all the American holidays, and she’s asked Christina to write her out some words in English and Mandarin Chinese so she can learn them!

So how and when do we “do” all this stuff?

I’ve mentioned before that the one thing we can count on almost every day is our family time before bed.

How to homeschool at nightFor night owls like us, this time might start anywhere from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. and go for a few hours!

This is our time to be together and be even more intentional than we try to be the rest of the day about doing stuff as a family.

We read together.

We watch movies and TV shows on Netflix.

We play board games and draw pictures and talk and laugh and pet cats.

It’s funny, because our days are often filled with work (for our house adults) and gaming (for Sarah). We see a lot of benefits to that too, but people who only know us during the daylight hours probably think we don’t do much together! We’re proud of our approach, though – because we spend our “prime time,” the hours we’re most alert, together!

Meanwhile, we also love to travel, and that’s a big part of our lifestyle. I mentioned some of our upcoming trips earlier in today’s post, and we have dozens more that we’d like to fit in.

Read more about our unschooling approach

If you’re newer to Unschool RULES, maybe you’re wondering about this radical unschooling thing we do.

Here are a few posts that tell more about our lives!

Join the NOT Back-to-School Party!

nbts-blog-hop-calendar-2015Want to see what my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers are learning this year?

Check out the rest of Curriculum Week 2016 at the Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop here (and you can link up your posts, too!)

Unschooling: Our July 2016 adventures (plus some May and June highlights!)

Early summer is alpaca baby season! This is Ashar with Mac (Macintosh), one of this year's crias.

Early summer is alpaca baby season! This is Ashar with Mac (Macintosh), one of this year’s crias.

Happy August, everyone! I’m excited to share a roundup of what our family’s unschooling has looked like so far this summer, not just because it’s cool (it is), but because I’ve been able to connect with a lot of new people following an interview about unschooling that I did for USA Today’s back-to-school magazine. If you’re catching one of these updates for the first time, I’m glad you’re here. This is a fun way we can show just a little bit about what unschooling looks like in our family. Check out our archive of previous wrapups here for some more info on why we take this approach and some other highlights of our adventures.

As part of a program our library does each summer, there's a challenge to hike and find waystations in 30 local parks. We did a few, accompanied by our trusty pink owl Fwoops, including this one where we found a cool swingset.

As part of a program our library does each summer, there’s a challenge to hike and find waystations in 30 local parks. We did a few, accompanied by our trusty pink owl Fwoops, including this one where we found a cool swingset.

This update talks about our July, but also hits some highlights from May and June, since we’ve all been too busy enjoying all the fun things summer’s had to offer to, you know, take time to write about them. (Sorry not sorry?)

I’m playing around with some other ideas that might allow us to share highlights more frequently, so I hope you’ll stick around and see what we come up with.

During First Friday in downtown York in July, Ashar both made a cool tie-dyed bandana at our friend Rita's store, Prime Art Supply, and also got the autograph of Mike Hawthorne, the artist who draws Deadpool in comics, who happens to be from York!

During First Friday in downtown York in July, Ashar both made a cool tie-dyed bandana at our friend Rita’s store, Prime Art Supply, and also got the autograph of Mike Hawthorne, the artist who draws Deadpool in comics, who happens to be from York!

At our June alpaca club meeting, Ashar got cuddly with a chicken and got to play in a huge rainstorm that came up.

At our June alpaca club meeting, Ashar got cuddly with a chicken and got to play in a huge rainstorm that came up.


Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
In early June, my mom, my oldest sister Linda, Ashar and I went to Rehoboth Beach for a few days and had an amazing time.

In early June, my mom, my oldest sister Linda, Ashar and I went to Rehoboth Beach for a few days and had an amazing time.

Movies and TV, Part 1

A special note for our newer readers: I’d love for you to check out our post on learning from movies and TV shows. It really explains a lot about why we are such fans!

  • Spy Hard: Ashar and Chris’ review was that this was pretty awful, but with a few funny moments.
  • The Money Pit: The Great Movie Watching-Duo reports, “We greatly enjoyed the pratfall version of Tom Hanks.”
  • 1941: Ashar thought it was very funny. Chris greatly enjoyed the music and trying to dissect the ways in which the movie went wrong.
  • The Whole Nine Yards: Because a movie with BOTH Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry is the ultimate treat for Ashar, and it was funny, to boot.
  • True Lies: Again. Always. Arnold.
  • Deadpool: My only requirement here was that Ashar had to find an agreeable adult to watch this with, since nobody in our house had any interest in it and since it really does require an adult. Her grandparents, who had already seen it, were glad to, bless them.
  • The Truman Show: Ashar and Chris liked comparing this to The Matrix, one of Ashar’s favorite movies.
  • Captain America: Civil War: Ashar, Chris, Kaitlyn and I went to see this once, then Chris took Ashar back to see it in D-Box.
  • Walking Tall: The Rock as Defender of Small-Town America. How can you not love it?
  • Deal or No Deal and Family Feud: Game shows, always.
In July, we went to International Snake Day at the Lehigh Valley Zoo, and while there, Ashar and Kaitlyn fed these awesome rainbow lorikeets.

In July, we went to International Snake Day at the Lehigh Valley Zoo, and while there, Ashar and Kaitlyn fed these awesome rainbow lorikeets.

Movies and TV, Part 2

Coal, who was Sarah's project alpaca for almost three years, left in July to go stay at a farm in Maryland for a year. This was taken on the day we went to see him off.

Coal, who was Ashar’s project alpaca for almost three years, left in July to go stay at a farm in Maryland for a year. This was taken on the day we went to see him off.

What, you don't get cuddly with a tarantula? Ashar does.

What, you don’t get cuddly with a tarantula? Ashar does. This photo was taken by a local newspaper, The York Dispatch, and even graced its cover!

Video, board and card games

This is another area with prerequisite reading! I have a whole series about video-game learning that I’d also love for you to check out if you haven’t already.

  • Lanterns: A cool table game Ashar bought for the family.
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • MLB 15: The Show: Ashar’s custom player, Wolverine Logan (yes, really), retired after many years. This was a huge deal. Now his son, Wolverine Logan Jr., is her favorite.
  • Guitar Hero Live: This is something Ashar and I like to play together.
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
  • The Sims 3: Chris got this for Ashar and she has absolutely adored it. She recreated the Wolverine Logan family of MLB fame and that’s who her Sims family is based on.
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Destiny: Ashar got into this a couple years ago but found it really hard to play; lately, she has friends playing with her online and is really enjoying it again.
Sarah's Wildlife Watchers 4-H club went to a local state park for a day of lake stomping and pontoon-boat riding. Here they're investigating some of the water creatures.

Ashar’s Wildlife Watchers 4-H club went to a local state park for a day of lake stomping and pontoon-boat riding. Here they’re investigating some of the water creatures.

One of the cool things we've been doing lately involves Artsnacks, a monthly subscription service where you get cool art supplies (in a box, obvs) that you're challenged to use to create something new. This was what I made with July's, which included tiny Yupo paper that I loved.

One of the cool things we’ve been doing lately involves Artsnacks, a monthly subscription service where you get cool art supplies (in a box, obvs) that you’re challenged to use to create something new. This was what I made with July’s, which included tiny Yupo paper that I loved.

Places, projects and other odds and ends

See, this is the part of the roundup that’s a problem when I don’t write regularly. It’s not that I don’t remember what we did – I actually keep a notebook/journal where I make notes about lots of cool stuff. It’s that it’s WAY TOO LONG! So I’m just going to try to hit a few highlights.

Population density, language and medieval rock music: We started talking about the band Of Monsters & Men, the members of whom are from Iceland, and somehow that led me to mention Stary Olsa, which is a medieval Belarussian band that does rock covers, which I backed on Kickstarter. I don’t know how I found them either, so don’t ask. But somehow, talking about all of that led us to talk about population density and language in the Scandinavian and Eastern European countries.

The North Museum: We’re members at this science museum in nearby Lancaster, PA, and we did a bunch of cool stuff there in the past couple of months. We went on a behind-the-scenes tour where we saw the collections not on exhibit, saw the preview of some new planetarium shows, and then went back to see those shows live. Relatedly, now we can identify Jupiter in the night sky.

So we've been growing this gigantic pipevine for years as a potential butterfly habitat, but had not been able to attract any pipevine swallowtails. At the 4-H Insect Fair, one of the Master Gardeners for our area gave us a few caterpillars to release to try to get them started!

So we’ve been growing this gigantic pipevine for years as a potential butterfly habitat, but had not been able to attract any pipevine swallowtails. At the 4-H Insect Fair, one of the Master Gardeners for our area gave us a few caterpillars to release to try to get them started!

Military dogs: We spent one evening reading all about dogs who’ve received the Purple Heart, dogs’ military ranks (did you know that every military dog outranks its handler?) and a bunch of people who’ve received the Congressional Medal of Honor. That was good for a bunch of crying from me, but a lot of cool conversations too.

Dog intelligence: Ashar’s part of a dog project in 4-H, where she’s training my best friend Nina’s husky, Thor, since our dog, Coby, is 14 and not in great shape for excursions to the 4-H center and jumping over hurdles. But with Coby, we’ve been studying dog cognition, through a Coursera course, website and podcast by Dr. Brian Hare, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University who’s very cool.

For Mother's Day, Ashar, my mom, Mom's good friend Sandy and I went out for tea.

For Mother’s Day, Ashar, my mom, Mom’s good friend Sandy and I went out for tea.

Hamilton: Just like basically the rest of the country, we love this musical. And, of course, cannot afford tickets, no matter how much I’d LOVE to take Ashar to see it on Broadway. So we listen to the soundtrack pretty much constantly and have had some truly cool conversations thanks to it.

Working out: We joined a gym. I don’t really know what to say about this, as I am decidedly an outside toy, not an inside toy, but it’s something Kaitlyn, Ashar and I can do together and it’s not too expensive.

4-H: So, so, so much to say here. Our Wildlife Watchers club had a picnic and went to Gifford Pinchot State Park for a lake stomp and pontoon tour; the alpaca club is swimming in new crias (baby alpacas) and gearing up for the fall shows, while still finding time for an annual pool party where Ashar never left the water; and most fun of all, Ashar was one of the 20-some representatives of York County at the recent 4-H State Achievement Days held in State College, PA, where she participated in a “Microbe Mania” program learning about the microbes that affect plant life. Oh, and we went to our county’s Insect Fair, where Ashar held a scorpion and a tarantula.

Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes? We went to International Snake Day at the Lehigh Valley Zoo (where we’re also members, in addition to the North Museum). We got to see rattlesnakes up close (it’s the first time I ever heard one rattle) and got to pet some non-venomous snakes. Ashar absolutely loves petting snakes and spiders. Me, not so much.

Rockstar mode Ashar, complete with mohawk and biohazard T-shirt.

Rockstar mode Ashar, complete with mohawk and biohazard T-shirt.

Chernobyl: I’m not sure how we got on this topic, but we spent one evening watching videos of Chernobyl, including this one about The Russian Woodpecker, a huge satellite wall, and this one about radioactive bananas. Oh, and also how to visit Chernobyl. That whole video series is amazing.

So what’s new with your family this month? Drop me a comment! I love hearing from all my “blog friends!”