Ashar’s custom version of "The 12 Days of Christmas"

We recently spent a few great family days trimming our home for the holidays. This is a HUGE undertaking for us (just ask my poor husband!) and I’ll share more photos soon of how it’s gone.

But just as we finished trimming the tree, Ashar dug into our Christmas book tray and pulled out “The 12 Dogs of Christmas,” one of our old favorites. (I mean, like, as old as Sarah!)

She read it aloud to us, then we played the CD with its, uh, interesting rendition of the song, and then Ashar sat down with the book and a notebook and pencil.

I was still decorating, so I admit, I didn’t pay too much attention, even when she said, “I’m going to write my own ’12 Days of Christmas.'”

It was easily an hour or so later that she said, “Wow, Day 11, almost done!” And I thought… wait, what is she doing?

Well, this was it (click the image to see a bigger version!)

Custom version of The 12 Days of Christmas

She wrote out each of the previous gifts with each day, and customized them to be things she likes, given by people we know.

The final tally?

  • 12 castles
  • 11 Xbox 360s
  • 10 CDs
  • 9 candy bars
  • 8 chocolate bars
  • 7 DS games
  • 6 hundred dollars
  • 5 golden cars
  • 4 million dollars
  • 3 lottery tickets
  • 2 elves
  • 1 hermit crab
  • … and a partridge in a pear tree!

(If you’re not from Pennsylvania, you might not understand why #3 would come to mind for a 12-year-old. Rest assured, no future gambling addicts here! We have a reallllllly long-running commercial to the tune of this song for the Pennsylvania Lottery, and I admit we were singing it right before she started writing this!)

She proudly handed over the finished product to my husband, who did a wonderful dramatic reading/singing presentation of it. Then, she handed it to me and said, “You can blog this!”


What we’re reading: Lazy days edition

One of the best things about homeschooling, and our incredibly relaxed approach in particular, is that holidays are no longer the rush-rush-rush of getting as many projects done as possible.

We’ve been able to slow down and really enjoy our Thanksgiving celebrations and to start our Christmas preparations without worrying about what we’re “accomplishing.”

Even our reading has been low-key.

We finished Life of Fred: Goldfish and have moved on to Life of Fred: Honey. As I like to say any time I mention Life of Fred, while it is described as a Christian series, we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

Chris continues to read many Ruth Manning-Sanders fairy and folk tales to Ashar when he’s home at bedtime; her favorite ones come from A Book of Ogres and Trolls.

And since Ashar’s interest in her American Girl dolls continues, she decided she wanted to read the start of Kit’s story, Meet Kit. Kit is 9 years old in 1934, so her story focuses on life during the Depression, which has been interesting as Ashar has started talking to my mom about her memories of growing up just a little bit later in the Depression.

Next, we’re going to see what other books in Kit’s series our library has to offer!

On the parental reading front, I’m reading a set of Christmas-themed romantic short stories (I told you – this is the lazy days edition!)

I just finished two incredibly interesting looks at other belief systems – Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Jantzen and Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage by Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn Brown.

I can’t say that I read either of these books expecting to agree with the viewpoints inside – and in large part I didn’t – but both were just incredibly interesting and helped me solidify some ideas in my own mind about my thoughts on marriage, family, faith and so on.

Chris, meanwhile, is reading Wired magazine at this exact moment. He also says he’s been most actively reading A Diner’s Dictionary: Food and Drink From A to Z in his before-bed browsing. (Let us just say it is a testament to our stomachs that we can both eat snacks while he describes uses of headcheese.)

What’s your family reading?