Quotes by great mathematicians and scientists

OK, the internet is good for a lot of things – more than cat videos and, yes, even more than having anything in the whole world shipped to my door via Amazon.

One of my favorite things? My Pinterest boards and Facebook page attest to it all the time – I love quotes. I especially love quotes formatted all pretty-like for sharing.

Starting this week, I’m joining with the ladies of the iHomeschool Network as part of a new series called Quotable Wisdom.

Each Tuesday, from now until whenever we run out of fun quotes, we’re all posting thoughts from topics or authors of interest.

I’ve decided to share quotes by great mathematicians and scientists for your pinning and Facebooking pleasure. My biggest goal is that I hope something will spark you or your family to dig deeper into a particular area or a particular person’s life.

Quotes by great mathematicians and scientists - Blaise Pascal

This week, I thought, where better to start than with a quote from one of my heroes about beginnings? This man was homeschooled, and a great mathematician, scientist and philosopher.

Things are always at their best in their beginning.
~ Blaise Pascal

Learn more about Pascal

More awesome quotes from great mathematicians and scientists (and others!)

Quotes by great mathematicians and scientists

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