Washing the car, rearranging the house, time with friends, more Indians: Snippets from unschooling this week

It’s been a particularly hectic week around here… and not looking to slow down any time soon!

This week, Chris and I are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary with an out-of-town trip on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

When we come back, we’re headed to a demolition derby with our best friends and a large group of other friends.

My father-in-law comes to visit… then my brother comes from Arizona… then my uncle comes from eastern Pennsylvania… and amidst all that, we officially “wrap up” what would be Ashar’s sixth-grade year if she were in public school!

So what have we been doing?

1. Ah, Sculpey clay. This has been a passion of Ashar’s since earlier this year in public school, and she decided not too long ago that she wanted to make a baby dragon.

She wasn’t sure at first how to go about it – but then she realized that, on her fairy-tale bookends, there is a sculpted dragon hatching from an egg! Winner!

She did all of this herself – I just had to help her shape the egg around the dragon.

Sculpey Clay dragon

2. Ashar is spending today with a homeschooling friend at Black Rock Retreat’s Outdoor Education Day. It’s likely raining there, like it is here, and they’re going canoeing to see what birds they can spot from the water.

But she’s with her friend Paige from 4-H (and Paige’s grandpa), and hopefully the weather won’t spoil their fun!

3. I’ve been busy putting our portfolio together for our upcoming meeting with our evaluator on May 29. I’m pretty impressed, actually.

First, I’m impressed at all Ashar’s done and learned – to be fair, that includes both IN public school as well as since beginning our homeschooling journey.

Second, I’m impressed with myself! I kept good records, I have the appropriate amount of documentation – what’s required, but not too much – across a variety of subject areas, and I’m not waiting until the last minute to pull it together!

4. Ashar decided – completely out of the blue the other night – that she wanted to wash my car and my mom’s. So she got a bucket, a little bit of soap and some old washcloths and did just that!

Washing the car

She’s nothing if not thorough… she even figured out how to get up and wash the roof! I followed up by washing the windows and vacuuming the insides, so now we have two nice cars, as close to being detailed as they’ll probably ever come!

5. We sorted some more of Ashar’s postcard collection this week, as part of a massive house-reorganization project. Ashar used to have both a bedroom and a “playroom” upstairs (the playroom being kind of a landing outside her room and ours), and my scrapbooking stuff and my mom’s sewing stuff used to be in our finished basement.

But Ashar’s craft supplies and collections were also in the basement.

So we consolidated… she now has ownership of a full-out “rec room” in our basement (our family room, where our washer and dryer are, complete with couch), and that’s where all her stuffed animals, her desks, her Matchbox cars, her blocks, her art stuff, her building supplies, all of that is.

She and her friends from the neighborhood spend an awful lot of time hanging out down there anyway, so it seemed to make sense to move all her things there.

And the added bonus is that my mom’s sewing projects and my scrapbooking supplies now have a very easy-to-get-to spot near our bedrooms, giving us more space and more motivation (and more sunlight!) for our hobbies.

As part of doing this, though, Ashar decided she wanted to sort out her large postcard collection a bit more.

Organized postcard collection

My best guess is that she has more than 1,500 postcards from all time periods and all around the world. She loves to get them out and look through them, and has learned a lot by exploring the places pictured!

Her organizational system, though, is pure Sarah. Her categories include “Art,” “M*A*S*H*,” “Kennedy Space Center,” “York County,” “Pennsylvania,” “States,” “Volcanoes,” “Ireland and Australia,” “Scenes by Water,” “Cities and Buildings,” “Scenery,” “Animals,” “People” and more.

Chris has a hard time helping her sort. I must think eclectically like Ashar does, though, because I can look at a postcard of a man holding a kookaburra in the middle of a crowded city and tell you right where it goes.

Any guesses? People? Animals? Cities and Buildings?

Well, it’s “Ireland and Australia,” of course. Because kookaburras and the kingfisher bird family, which are basically Ashar’s favorite animals ever, are found in Australia, making it her favorite place ever.

You just have to “get” how she thinks. Then you can help sort the cards. I think it’s kind of fun.

6. Our cowboys and Indians took a walk the other day with us to the former golf course near our house. Ashar wanted to set them up for a nature photo shoot – and we’d just read about Omri, the main character in the book “The Indian in the Cupboard,” taking his cowboy and Indian outside!

Cowboy and Indian toys posed outdoors

Apparently they didn’t mind standing on the edge of their equivalent of the Grand Canyon for a photo. And Ashar certainly didn’t mind making up stories about what they were doing!

7. Speaking of the golf course, Chris found us some new friends there.

Ants under a rock

We stood and watched this ant colony (which was previously under a rock, before Chris, uh, disturbed them) for quite a while. These guys were hustling! We weren’t sure at first if they were transporting their own egg sacs or some yummy grub food, but we’re pretty sure they were eating grubs/larvae. Yum yum yum?

So that’s a look at seven snippets from our unschooling life in the last week. What’s going on in your world?

How to make a lion-style paper fortune-teller, courtesy of Ashar and Google Translate

Making a paper fortune-teller designed like a lion

Remember how Ashar loves Pinterest now?

Well, today, she pinned something she wanted to make. It was a “fortune-teller” that looks like a lion. (If you’re not sure what a “fortune-teller” out of paper is, it’s basically an origami thing that has little fortunes or messages inside it, and you wiggle it back and forth a particular number of times to reveal your fortune.)

Anyway, the fortune-teller was super-cute. But the instructions on how to make it? They were in a foreign language.

Ashar also loves her some Google. And, apparently, she knows how to make it work for her. I was working and not paying any attention to her, and she turns to me and announces the following:

“Mom, I found something I want to make, but the instructions were in Dutch, so I used Google Translate so we can read them.”

She knew how to use the language auto-detect feature, converted the instructions to English, AND used the voice synthesizer to “read” the Dutch version so she’d know what it sounded like.

Here are the original instructions, with pictures.

But, to save you the translation, here is Ashar’s version of the instructions, helpfully in English!

First, download the two-page PDF template here.

A paper fortune-teller shaped like a lion with its mouth open

  1. Print out both pages of the PDF, and cut out the square (“lion”) piece.
  2. Cut the diamond-patterned page into a square the same size. “If you don’t know how to fold a square, take it and make a triangle, and then unfold it,” Ashar says.
  3. Take that diamond-patterned paper and fold it in half horizontally, then unfold it again.
  4. Do the same thing vertically – fold the diamond paper, then unfold it again.
  5. Take the diamond-patterned paper and put the back of it against the back of the lion-printed paper.
  6. With the diamond side facing up, fold one corner (of both pieces) toward the center. (You’ll see the lines on the lion side that show you where it should go.)
  7. Repeat that for all the other corners.
  8. Now turn the paper over, so that the plain blue side is up. Do the same thing back here – take each corner and fold it toward the middle.
  9. Turn the paper over once more, and take the double layers at the corners and slide your fingers inside them, toward the corners, and fold them up. Your goal here is to make little “pockets” to put your fingers into.
  10. Now you can make the lion open and close his mouth by using your fingers to move him back and forth! You might have to work at this a little; it’s hard to get the hang of at first. Ashar is modeling both “open” and “closed” lion mouths here, and you can also check out the pictures on the original for a better idea!

Give it a try! We had fun making it – and using Google Translate!