Super science with stuff around the house

Amazing day today – and it really didn’t even kick off until 2 p.m., when I got home from an in-office shift for my part-time job!

When I got home, Ashar greeted me with a hot cup of tea she’d made me; the dishwasher was running – because she needed a small plate to use to microwave her lunch – and, while she’d dropped a plate earlier and it had broken, she’d cleaned it all up and calmly told me about it!

(At this point, I’m thinking perhaps I’m in the Twilight Zone… this is super-nice, but a little surprising!)

Baking and icing a cake as a homeschool project

Next, Ashar decides – and I’m not even sure how this came up – that she wants to bake a cake. More on this to come tomorrow, but she did it almost entirely herself, icing and decorating and all. Wait’ll you see the finished product – it turned out super-cool.

THEN she tells me she’s going to put away the dishes, and so she does.

After that, I went to tae kwon do class, she hung out at home for a while, and while I was gone, Chris came home from work. And that’s where the fun really kicks in.

As someone – cough, me – might have possibly forgotten to put the pork in the slow cooker this morning, we didn’t have the planned menu for dinner. Instead, Ashar microwaved some packaged noodles and cheese for herself, and I had a light snack of string cheese and fruit before heading to my class. Well, when Chris comes home, not having a specific meal ready to go, he digs into his treat from the grocery store – fried chicken. Ashar even tried some, probably a first for her, and was kind of middle-of-the-road on it. But, when she saw Chris eating the meat off the chicken bones, well, that was interesting.

Well, bless Chris… he goes, “Hey, my dinner is turning into a biology lesson in here.” He had started to explain to Ashar, by breaking open one of the bones, that birds’ bones are often hollow inside so they can be light enough to allow for wing-flapping and flying. (You can read more about that here.)

Well, then Ashar goes, “Hey, I have a bone… I have the wishbone from the turkey, and we made it bendy. Can we make these bones bendy?” Well, into a jar with vinegar two of the bones go, and from there, things kind of took off.

First of all, Ashar wanted to know if the chicken bones would do the same thing her turkey wishbone did, so we Googled it. Up comes “Science Bob,” who apparently is a pretty well known “science performer,” having been on things like Jimmy Kimmel Live and what have you. He has a version of the “rubber bone” experiment.

Well, we start reading via Science Bob, and I really like his style – it’s not just, “Hey, kids, here’s a neat thing to do,” but he really explains WHY the bone starts to bend and gives you ideas on how to go from a demonstration to an experiment. (Do differently sized bones become bendy at different times? That’s one Ashar’s working on – her two from Chris’s dinner are wildly different in size. She made a good hypothesis and everything.)

Then, I start clicking around on Science Bob’s site and get a huge list of science experiments you can do right at home. Ashar decided that we HAD to try to clean pennies with vinegar. (Science Bob, by the way, DEFINITELY wins for “favorite resource this week.” I might have a mom-crush on him.)

Cleaning pennies with household items

Check out that before-and-after! All you need is about a quarter-cup of vinegar, a small bowl (not glass), and a teaspoon of salt. Once you’ve mixed the salt and vinegar, add the pennies – and really watch them. You’ll see the copper oxide (the thing that makes them dark and grungy-looking) begin to disappear almost right away.

Well, Science Bob’s version of this keeps going, and so did ours. After several rounds of pennies, we did, as he suggests, try putting some household hardware – nuts and bolts – into the vinegar solution. Try it – you’ll be amazed. The metal attracts the copper that’s been leached out of the pennies, and the shiny silver will change to a coppery-black color!

Science experiment discoloring washers

At right is what our washers looked like when we started. We left the one on the right alone, but we put the one at left into the vinegar-salt mixture after we’d “cleaned” our pennies, and that’s what happened! Even more amazingly, after we’d left it there for some time, you could see what we believe was the salt forming almost a “halo” over the washer in the bowl. It was pretty phenomenal! Ashar also experimented by pouring salt directly onto some of the hardware, to see the effect that might have.

Making a lava lamp in a glass as a homeschool science experiment

Finally – because by this time it was about 10:45 at night, and Mom was getting pretty beat! – we decided to make lava in a cup. This is a density experiment – first, you fill a cup about 2/3 full with water; then, you add about 5 drops of food coloring, if you’d like, just to jazz it up, and finally you pour in about a quarter-cup of vegetable oil. Ashar noticed right away how it separated and the oil rose to the top.

The fun part, though, is that you next dump in about a teaspoon of salt. That’s heavier than the oil, so it sinks through it into the water, carrying little bits of oil along with it; then, when the salt dissolves in the water, the oil pops back up, and you get a sort of a lava-lamp effect.

Our first attempt at this didn’t work as well; we used a HUGE plastic tumbler, and Ashar believes (and I agree) that there was too much water for it to really be a dramatic “bubbling” effect. Next, we tried a smaller glass, and this worked a good bit better; you can see some of our “bubbling” at right.

We also tried pouring in sugar to see if it would work the same way, but as the sugar was a bit lighter, it didn’t tend to sink down through the oil as well. We also talked about saturation – when the salt or sugar would not dissolve in the water any more, then no “bubbles” happened, and we’d have to start fresh.

Finally, we tried a very small juice glass, with no food coloring, and that bubbled pretty fast! (Not nearly as pretty, though.)

Ashar could have worked on these all night, but I had to rescue my salt container, which was nearing emptiness. (And we’re almost two weeks out from our next grocery trip!) After using all this kitchen stuff for our impromptu “science lab,” I reloaded the dishwasher, realized it was already full (again) and got out the detergent.

You know what’s coming, right?

Ashar watches me and says, “Oh, I didn’t put any of that stuff in when I did the dishes earlier. Will that matter?”

::Cue Twilight Zone music, doo de doo doo, doo de doo doo::

Grocery day, menu planning and taco night

I know I promised Part 2 of my mini-series on going full circle from homeschooled student to homeschooling mom. But it’s 11:55 p.m., I’m exhausted, and that post isn’t even STARTED, nor the photos scanned, nor… anything else. So, in the interest of actually getting some sleep, I told my husband I was making a last-minute substitution. His response? “You’re talking to a guy who’s delayed MANY of his Part 2s.” I love being married to a fellow blogger!

Today was our biweekly grocery trip – and by grocery trip, I mean “choreographed production involving a menu plan for the next two weeks, a large list, two stores, tons of coupons, three family members, a calculator, a system for bagging and a partridge in a pear tree.” This is our “works for us” routine, now, and I forget how weird it is until the checkout lady looks at me like, “How much of a mess do you people make with your 30-pack of paper towels, and why do you have 70 pounds of cat litter?”

This was actually a very light trip – between both stores, we were under $240 total, which is really good, budgetarily speaking. And Ashar was willing to come and help, which was also great. Generally our routine is that Chris pushes the cart and manages the list (and the crossing off of things on it); I handle tallying up our expenditures on the calculator using a rounded-to-the-nearest-quarter, military-like precision sytem, and I also juggle the not-yet-used coupons; and, if we’re joined by Mom or Ashar, that person holds the used coupons. If we have FOUR people, a miracle beyond expression, then I don’t have to hold (or subsequently drop) the unused coupons, either.

Ashar was a big help today, even doing some math in her head for us at one store to see what we spent and if it would be enough to use our “$10 off your $35 purchase” coupon. And, in another piece of great news, she was hungry. That’s a big deal; Ashar is actually so underweight that she’s in the first percentile – meaning, if you found 100 kids with her same birthday, she would be the thinnest for her height. Every time. So when she wants to eat something… we make it happen. Exactly the opposite of our own grocery-store strategy, which is never to go when we’re hungry!

Ashar with her tacos

Her request on our menu plan for tonight was tacos, so we put ground beef on the list and were ready to roll with it. When we got to the store, however, she goes, “Oooh, can we look at the fish?” She picked out some wild-caught sockeye salmon, and she says, “I want this on my taco!” And then she looks at shrimp and says, “Do we have shrimp at home? Can I have shrimp on my taco?” In the cart goes the $6 filet of fish, and I make a mental note to revise the other recipe that called for our frozen shrimp!

We normally don’t have a side dish with our tacos, but Chris is incredibly smart, and he says, “What about some rice as a side dish?” So I find a simple box of organic rice pilaf, and into the cart that goes as well.

We get home, and we all work together to make dinner. For the finished product, Ashar layered into her stand-and-stuff taco shell (a BIG requirement for her, on taco night) the following, from the bottom up:

  • Cheese
  • Ground beef
  • Rice pilaf
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp
  • More cheese

(Privately I thought: This sounds gross. Chris says he thought it sounded really good.) The end result was that Ashar ate the entire thing, and even had some extra shrimp and salmon on the side.

Tacos with a lot of seafood

I’ll take that any day. Yay for tacos, for much more adventurous eating than Ashar used to do, and for the chance to spend even the “boring” parts of the day together as a family!