Things we’ve learned so far today

I mentioned earlier this year that I want to write about more of the “everyday” learning that goes on in our family, in addition to sharing posts on the “big stuff” like resource guides and five-day series.

There are so many of these “odds and ends” that they’re easy to miss. For example, today…

  • Ashar was reading her box of Sucrets (she’s got a cough and sore throat), and she said, “Mom, what’s  Z-I-N-C spell, and what is that?”) So we talked about it as a metallic element, and about elements in general, and she wondered if we had any books about the periodic table.
  • We don’t (currently) – though it’s now made our library list – but we pulled out Ashar’s 2013 World Almanac for Kids and read about the periodic table in general, as well as some specific elements and compounds. 
  • As we read that, we learned that sugar and vinegar are made up of the same elements, just arranged differently and in different proportions. So are chalk and granite! Isn’t that awesome?
  • Then we somehow flipped to the money portion of the almanac, where we started talking about the unfinished pyramid and the all-seeing eye on the U.S. dollar, which we had just seen in the National Treasure movies!
  • Chris and I got into a completely joking argument about the atomic number of beryllium in which we were both absolutely just guessing and acting like we knew what we were talking about. Chris’s guess was, like, 37, and mine was 84. It turns out it’s 4. Parent learning win, or silliness fail? Maybe both.
  • Ashar got a HUGE compliment on the Unschool RULES Facebook page from the mom of a fellow  Minecrafter on the unschooling server we’ve joined. She noticed another “Tourist,” or newbie, and, it turns out, helped him out a little bit as he was coming on board. A few people had done the same for her, so it was cool to hear she paid it forward!

Teenage daughter playing Minecraft

Here’s Ashar, Minecraftin’ away!

So what has your family learned today?

What we’re reading: Buck-A-Book Week edition

This week, Ashar got money to read books.

OK, not really. But it’s Buck-A-Book Week, a fundraiser to support our town’s Literacy Council and its programs, and for each book kids read, they can collect pledges to go toward local literacy programs.

Ashar pledged to read 10 books – and I’m proud to say she reached her goal!

As she was reading, I snapped photos of her with each book, and we added a special message to a supporter on each one of the pictures.

So here’s a look at what we’re reading, photographic-like, with shout-outs to those who have helped Ashar raise more than $175 for the York County Literacy Council!

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

Books read for Buck-A-Book Week 2013

And for those who’d like to know more, here’s a list of the 10 books pictured:

Many thanks to all of Ashar’s sponsors – we had a lot of fun “reading for you!” Special thanks to a sponsor who is not pictured (because we have a special photo gift for her still to come) – my mom, Joan Concilio.

Another special thanks goes out to everyone who supports Ashar’s love of reading, both by recommending great books, lending books to us and buying us books!

Those of you who are our Facebook friends know that for her coming 13th birthday, ALL Ashar has asked for is giftcards to Books-A-Million and Barnes & Noble to go book-browsing!

I’ve got no problem with that!