Painting on pumpkins: Meet Spooky and Lightning

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

We had a rather frightening crop of surprise pumpkins in our side yard this year, thanks to my spur-of-the-moment decision last fall to throw our rotting pumpkins on the compost heap.

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

These things were HUGE. They, along with two Attack of the Killer Tomatoes plants, took over a side of the house.

Well, we harvested them (finally) and came up with quite the showing of pumpkins and gourds! Until now, though, they’d all simply been sitting on our bench out front, not even particularly decoratively.

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

About two days ago, Ashar came in and wanted to know if she could paint a pumpkin. She had one all picked out – and named him Spooky.

Tonight after dinner, she set to painting. You can see Spooky, mostly finished, above. He’s got a green scar and large, fang-like teeth.

Ashar says he has a green scar “because he was playing in the grass and he got a stain that never came off.” There you have it!

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

After doing the first one, she thought she’d do another. This time, she first tried to write out a quote about happiness, but quickly realized that long quotes and small pumpkins aren’t an ideal fit.

Thankfully, acrylic paint washes off of pumpkins! (Add that to the list of things Mom learned today!)

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

So instead, happy with how Spooky turned out, Ashar created a brother for him, this time named Lightning. (Because he has a lightning-like yellow birthmark.)

Painting pumpkins as a homeschool art project

The best part, in my opinion, is that they both have a “mohawk.” Ashar said she wanted to do something with the stem other than having it look like a stem, so she painted both and said, “Look, mohawks!”

Happy fall!

Saying yes to The Avengers

Last month, my contribution to “Saying Yes” was a big one – we agreed for Ashar to have her own cell phone.

This month’s is a little less earth-shattering.

I said yes to watching The Avengers with Chris and Sarah.

Saying Yes to watching The Avengers

They’d seen it already – and had wanted me to watch it with them, but I just hadn’t worked up much enthusiasm for it. I’m not particularly into comics, or superheroes, but I was familiar enough with the storyline to follow along, and you know what?

Turns out it was pretty fun – and I loved, loved, loved the Hulk, who I’m told I sometimes resemble, usually at the grocery store.

(You know the type: “I need 8 rolls of paper towels! These come in packs of 6 or 12! Arrrrrgh!” To which Chris will say to Ashar, “Uh-oh, Mommy’s hulking out again.”)


Though I admit, I’d prefer to look like the Black Widow, especially at tae kwon do… I probably look much more like the Hulk fumbling around than I do the woman with mad kicking skills, but hey, at least I try!

How have you said yes this week?