The ultimate guide to creating an unschooling high school transcript
Learn how to document relaxed homeschooling to create an unschooling high school transcript that college admissions teams will love.
Learn how to document relaxed homeschooling to create an unschooling high school transcript that college admissions teams will love.
Here’s a simple unschooling planner system that anyone who unschools or follows a relaxed homeschooling style can use to keep track of family learning and activity highlights.
We don’t do grade levels, but if you’re wondering what radical unschooling 10th grade-ish style looks like, here’s our 15-year-old daughter’s plan.
Here’s a look at what the Conciliottoman family has been doing, radical unschooling style, in August 2014: books, movies, a trip to Pittsburgh, an alpaca show, the 4-H Fair and more.
Check out our (not-back-to) school pictures, sort of ninth-grade-ish style, this year set in Pittsburgh. We can’t wait for the year ahead!
Pennsylvania homeschooling law can be confusing, but it’s not as hard to follow as many people think. Here’s our ultimate guide to homeschooling and unschooling in Pennsylvania, from the law to the evaluator process to the portfolio to state field trips.
A recent family field trip to Lititz, PA, had us touring a wolf sanctuary and the Wilbur Chocolate Company.
Learn about Jim Thorpe, the Native American Olympic athlete, as well as the Pennsylvania town named in his honor, and the controversy surrounding both.
Here’s a look at some of our favorite Philadelphia, Independence Hall, Ben Franklin and Liberty Bell homeschooling learning resources.