When unschooling while working doesn’t work
I’m a huge advocate of working parents who homeschool. But sometimes, unschooling while working doesn’t work. Here’s what we do when those times come.
I’m a huge advocate of working parents who homeschool. But sometimes, unschooling while working doesn’t work. Here’s what we do when those times come.
This week, as part of the iHomeschool Network’s 10 * in * 10 series, I’m sharing 10 things you should probably know about me, Joan Concilio, in all my slightly neurotic glory.
This week, as part of the iHomeschool Network’s 10 * in * 10 series, I’m sharing 10 little things that brighten my busiest days juggling work, learning, family, home and life!
This week, as part of the iHomeschool Network’s 10 * in * 10 series, I’m sharing 10 must-read books. Yes, with all I read, I CAN narrow it down to 10. I promise.
Sometimes, homeschool blogging can make it look like our family – or any blogging family – has it all together. Ha!! This is a post that looks at the many unschooling days full of pajamas, arguments and glazed eyeballs.
As part of the iHomeschool Network’s 10 * in * 10 series, I’m sharing 10 things I’ve learned about myself during our homeschooling journey.
We are a family of night people, and there are a lot of misconceptions we’re struggling against, but we show how you can homeschool as a night owl!
Unschooling parents learn too – in fact, our job is in large part to be interestED and interestING. I’ve been taking an amazing free online course in astrobiology. What are you interested in today?
2013 is going to be a year of giving. Not just of money, but of the things that it hurts to part with even more.
You CAN homeschool as a working mom. Here’s the ultimate guide to how we’ve made our house, our homeschool, our work and our personal lives fit together.