Unschooling: Our annual wrapup and December 2017 adventures
Unschooling in December 2017 was mostly centered around a broken hip, but also included great conversations about economics and genetics and the start of a cross-country trip.
Unschooling in December 2017 was mostly centered around a broken hip, but also included great conversations about economics and genetics and the start of a cross-country trip.
Walker-Stalker Con New Jersey 2017 was a huge hit – including photos with Jeffrey D. Morgan, Cooper Andrews and Sean Patrick Flanery!
Unschooling in November 2017 included a fun family writing and drawing project, stuffed animals, funny YouTube videos, World of Warcraft, and more.
Unschooling in October 2017 included some sad news, but also good times learning about seahorses and Shakespeare, time with our neighbors, and more.
Unschooling in September 2017 included theater, guitar lessons, documenting a day in our lives, weird medical questions, our Jacuzzi tub and more.
Norman Reedus is my teenage daughter’s hero. And, because he lived up to and crazily surpassed her expectations in their short meeting, he’s mine too.
Unschooling in August 2017 included Shakespeare, 4-H State Achievement Days, the 4-H Fair, learning about the Count de St. Germain and Charles the Mad, family learning journals, a dog show, theater auditions, a James Patterson sci-fi novel and more.
We don’t do grade levels, but if you’re wondering what radical unschooling 12th grade-ish style looks like, here’s our 17-year-old daughter’s plan.
Unschooling in July 2017 included Shakespeare, learning about Vikings from Uncharted 4, learning about the bones of the hand from a James Patterson crime novel, kayaking, Knoebel’s and more.
Unschooling in the Conciliottoman family in August 2016 included alpacas, Battlestar Galactica, 4-H, an art show, a long letter to a pen pal, a concert and more.