The unschooled version of a ninth-grade-ish curriculum plan for 2014-15

Wow. We’re going into our third full year of homeschooling and this year, unschooling 9th grade, and Ashar would be entering high school if she were still in public school. And while it’s a big milestone in some ways, in others, it’s just another year of living and learning together.

For the third year in a row, I’m joining the iHomeschool Network’s Not Back to School Blog Hop for “curriculum week,” and once again, I’m sharing our family’s radical unschooling take, this time showing what unschooling 9th grade-style might look like, mostly courtesy of Ashar, a young lady with a seriously fun plan about homeschooling through high school and what she wants out of the next few years.

Each year, I’ve heard from people literally around the world who loved seeing how an “un-plan” comes together. If you haven’t already, I invite you to check out our later ideas, the unschooled version of a 12th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2017-18), the unschooled version of an 11th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2016-17), the unschooled version of a 10th-grade-ish curriculum plan (2015-16), and our previous ideas, the unschooled version of an eighth-grade-ish curriculum plan (2013-14) and the unschooled version of a seventh-grade-ish curriculum plan (2012-13).

Most days, we have no idea what we’re going to learn about until it happens. We make plans – of sorts – but the best opportunities always seem to be those that just arise naturally.

But I see great value in joining the “curriculum week” blog hop, mostly because I want to show other not-exactly-planning, not-exactly-at-a-grade-level, not-exactly-textbook people – and I know you’re out there – that you CAN make this homeschooling thing work!


So with that, here is…

The Conciliottoman family’s unschooling 9th grade plan

We like books.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
We like alpacas.

We like video games.

We like taking trips – to well-known destinations and, uh, some crazy out-of-the-way ones, too.

We don’t like quizzes, tests, requirements and reports.

We love going with the flow.

So how does this turn into “curriculum” – and what else will we be mixing in?

As well as I can, I’m going to try to do a subject-by-subject look; that’s NOT how we learn, and most of what we do is what would in my state documentation be called cross-curricular, but this way, if you’re using a planned curriculum in some subjects and want to mix in something we’re using in another, you can see how it might fit.

History, social studies and geography

When we started talking about the year ahead, this was actually the first thing Ashar asked about. She said “Is British history a thing?”

Well, yes. It’s very much a thing.

And so this year, at her request, it looks like we’re going to tackle a broad overview of all things British, with some stops at what I expect to be fascinations of Ashar’s in particular periods and, I’m guessing, a heavy focus on the 19th and 20th centuries as they relate to other things she’s interested in learning about. We’re going to use her giant map to figure out WHERE some of these things happened, and our giant timeline is going to get converted into an all-things-Britain-at-a-glance view!

Stuff that’s caught her interest:

  • Knights, castles and all that good stuff
  • Shakespeare
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Jack the Ripper
  • The British Secret Intelligence Service, aka MI6 (of James Bond fame)
  • The Beatles

Altogether, these things work into almost our full “plan” for the year, as I’ll explain in the next couple areas.

Language arts

Ashar’s goal this year is to read – a lot. She’s got all sorts of interests, and again, they’re essentially based on other topics of interest. The funniest thing is that we went to 2nd & Charles – a used bookstore near us that’s part of the Barnes & Noble chain – and she picked out a full set of “classics,” then wanted to know what “classics” meant. Talk about a fun unschooling conversation!

Here’s a look at what she picked out:

If you’re sensing a death-and-dismemberment theme, along with the whole British thing, well, wait til we talk about science, and it’ll make more sense!

With all of these, we’re going to read not only the books but related stuff (like the Curious Cases of Sherlock Holmes graphic novel), and we’re also going to actively seek out as many movie and TV portrayals as possible and compare and contrast!

Ashar also has her own story she’s working on writing – one set in, you guessed it, England, featuring an army fighting not only an enemy army but also possible zombies. (She’s writing it in a new format for her, too – as I mentioned in my July wrapup, she’s learned about what the epistolary style is and how to write in it!)


Ashar has one key interest this year, and we’re going to pursue it in as much depth as we can: Forensic science.

She’s always been a fan of shows like NCIS and Forensic Files, and in mid-July, she took part in a forensic science summer day camp that she absolutely loved and talked about nonstop.

Since then, she’s grabbed every book she could find on the topic, watched a bunch of TV shows and movies featuring her favorite investigators and is already making plans for her next adventure, a continuing-education class taught at my college by an actual, working forensic investigator over a few evenings in October.

She couldn’t be more thrilled! We’ve also got a few field trips planned, some experiments and hopefully, if we can, a chance for Ashar to meet and network with some people working in various forensic fields locally. And, of course, as we get into things like reading about Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper and so on, we’re going to dig into the history of forensics as well.

We’re probably both more excited about this than anything we’ve studied so far!

(And, while written almost as an aside but clearly not one: Ashar is going to continue to take part in the 4-H Alpaca Club she’s been a member of for a couple years now, and she’s definitely going to continue to learn more about her favorite camelids!)


What I said last year about math bears repeating: To be very clear, we don’t require any “book work” for math. We are huge fans of how math appears in the real world, and we firmly believe that learning through math-in-life is how Ashar will succeed.

Any resources we use above and beyond that are only if Ashar is interested, and not anything we do “formally.”

But Ashar’s been interested in algebra, and we have our favorite resource, the Life of Fred series, and specifically Life of Fred: Pre-Algebra 1 with Biology, which we started last year and hope to finish this year. (Ashar claims she’s also going to finish Pre-Algebra 2 this year in the Fred series as well, but … we’ll see. She can get very book-oriented and motivated at times, but her passion for history and forensics is probably going to get the bulk of her interest and time!)

I should mention that while Life of Fred is described as a Christian series, we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

Anyway, speaking of forensics, that’s another area in which I fully expect to see Ashar doing math in a way that interests her. She’s already learned how to estimate height based on footprint size and to calculate parts per million of a toxin, so I’m sure more such things will be a big part of our lives this year!

Finally, a couple other resources we’re likely to tap, starting with the Dragonbox (Apple/Android) and Dragonbox Elements (Apple/Android) apps. Ashar plays these frequently and has taught herself a ton of algebra and geometry!

We’ve also been asked to review an online, video and interactive-based set of courses from a company called Standard Deviants Accelerate – Ashar said yes to doing the review just because of the name – and one of the things she said we should check out was their take on algebra. You’ll be hearing more about this in a few weeks, after we’ve had time to dig in!


This was a rather out-of-nowhere request of Ashar’s after first watching the Matrix movie trilogy, then digging deep into The Matrix and Philosophy, a book she’s loving.

“What’s philosophy?” she asked me.

(Cue long, rambling answer from me as a philosophy minor.)

“Um.” (Long pause.) “Is that a thing I could study?”

“Well, sure.”

So she’s been gamely reading through her Matrix book, which is… WOW. I’m not sure she’s ever read so deep of a text on her own, though we’re trying to grab parts of it to talk about together.

Next up is, apparently, Batman and Philosophy, along with Star Trek and Philosophy: The Wrath of Kant (HA!). Along the way, we’re just generally trying to talk to Ashar about The Big Questions in the world and how different people have tried to answer them, and I’m getting a lot of great guidance out of my friend Aadel’s Philosophy with Kids series on her blog, These Temporary Tents.

I admit, this is another interest of Ashar’s that excites me, mostly because of the conversations we have. I don’t really care at all if she can identify Kantian theory or tell Kierkegaard from Derrida, but I do love knowing that I can have a serious conversation with a 14-year-old about how we “know” things about the world around us and what makes us human.


This is another area that has broken out from “the extras” into “a class of its own,” whatever that means, unschooling-style.

Ashar is passionate about the particular style of art – acrylic ink on Yupo synthetic paper – that we do together, and this year, she has big plans to continue to build her portfolio of work. She’s already got a piece entered in the Yorkfest fine arts competition and has two planned to enter in the county fair, and she’ll continue to both work on this on her own and share workshops and classes with artist friends of ours.

In big news, she and I both are starting to sell prints of our works, so you’ll be hearing more about that soon!


We love to listen to all sorts of music (and, again, this provides us with a ton of discussion points!) We’re going to continue to dig particularly into the Beatles using movies, books like The Fab Four FAQ and The Beatles Graphic, our Beatles Rock Band game on PS3, and a lot of listening and discussion. We’ve talked about trying to see a tribute band show, but we’re not sure yet!

Technology, physical education and other good stuff

It’s funny: I’m devoting the least space to this, but this is probably the largest part of our learning, because it’s everything that happens in the real world that doesn’t fit neatly into a “subject” box, and that’s, uh, most of it!

I’ll try to list a few highlights here.

  • Technology: Our biggest areas of technology education are still focusing on how to do “good research” online. When we do posts in our learning guides about famous people series, Ashar’s pretty much been tasked with finding sources. That’s great – and we don’t rule out things like Wikipedia and IMDB for background – but it’s cool to see her start to dig deeper, too.
  • Home economics: We cook, we clean, we shop. In our family, those things aren’t “chores,” they’re just ways we interact together as a family, and we’ll keep doing that. Personal finance is another part we lump into this (and it’s also heavily mathematical)!
  • Physical education: Our biggest source of exercise continues to actually be part of our science “curriculum” – walking alpacas, maneuvering them through obstacles and otherwise putting in the hard work required on a farm! We also regularly play household games of baseball, basketball and soccer, hike A LOT, and generally try to stay active as much as we can. This year, we’ve added in regular yoga practice, which is pretty awesome.
  • Travel: This is last, but definitely not least; it’s really one of the biggest parts of our learning each year. We have a bunch of trips planned for the coming months. Among them, we want to go to the Crime Museum and return to the International Spy Museum as part of our forensics study; both of those are in Washington, D.C. Ashar wants to go back to Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland, which she visited earlier this year and loved. This coming weekend will mark our second Steel City Con in suburban Pittsburgh, and Ashar is hoping to add LeVar Burton’s signature to her Star Trek: The Next Generation autograph collection. And we’d like to head to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, which will fit well with our study of British history. (Plus I’m sure there will be many more!)

So how and when do we “do” all this stuff?

I’ve mentioned before that the one thing we can count on almost every day is our family time before bed.

How to homeschool at nightFor night owls like us, this time might start anywhere from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. and go for a few hours!

This is our time to be together and be even more intentional than we try to be the rest of the day about doing stuff as a family.

We read together.

We watch movies and TV shows on Netflix.

We play board games and draw pictures and talk and laugh and pet cats.

It’s funny, because our days are often filled with work (for our house adults) and online gaming (for Sarah). We see a lot of benefits to that too, but people who only know us during the daylight hours probably think we don’t do much together! We’re proud of our approach, though – because we spend our “prime time,” the hours we’re most alert, together!

Meanwhile, we also love to travel, and that’s a big part of our lifestyle. I mentioned some of our upcoming trips earlier in today’s post, and we have dozens more that we’d like to fit in.

Read more about our unschooling approach

If you’re newer to Unschool RULES, maybe you’re wondering about this radical unschooling thing we do.

Here are a few posts that tell more about our lives!

Join the NOT Back-to-School Party!

Not Back to School Blog Hop calendar 2014Want to see what my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers are learning this year?

Check out the rest of Curriculum Week at the Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop here (and you can link up your posts, too!)

This post is also part of the How to Teach Without a Curriculum linkup through the iHomeschool Network. Click the image below to read more posts on teaching without formal curriculum!


Unschooling: Our July 2014 adventures

Me, my Uncle John, and Sarah

Me, my Uncle John, and Sarah

Well. It’s been a crazy, crazy half a year in our family. Job changes, new roommate, death of a cat and a hamster and a handful of hermit crabs, health problems, new car, and more that I won’t get into.

Through it all, we’ve had our homeschooling ups and downs – days when our unschooling is a hot mess and days when it’s amazing and everything in between.

In official news, we’ve gotten Ashar’s eighth-grade-ish portfolio approved by our school district and have officially begun what would be her ninth-grade year if she were still in public school! In semi-related news, I’ve finished writing a chapter on video-game learning for, editing, and then re-editing when my changes didn’t save AT ALL, a massive guide called The Big Book of Homeschooling, which I hope you’ll check out. (That’s an affiliate link – so if you’re interested in purchasing it and do so from my link, we’ll make a few dollars that we’ll immediately spend on the bookstore trip we’re planning next weekend. Shameless plug.)

Er... back-to-school photo? Sort of? Bedroom-style?

Er… back-to-school photo? Sort of? Bedroom-style?

I have grand blog plans – including a post coming Monday about our plans for ninth grade, a wrapup somewhere about how eighth grade turned out, “school pictures” for the coming year and a ton more – but I’ve decided to try something different to balance out the big stuff.

Through the month, I’ve been making a quick list of stuff we do and talk about. I’m going to share that here, with some photos, and try to do it regularly as we go through the year, mostly to log for myself all the amazing stuff that’s going on as we learn in our everyday lives, but also to give you a peek at some of the fun in our day-to-day routines. There may be sporadic affiliate links to books and movies we’re loving, but I can’t even guarantee that level of detail-oriented-ness!

I hope you’ll let me know what you think of this approach!


This is Mitts. He's ridiculous. And yes, that's our kitchen table.

This is Mitts. He’s ridiculous. And yes, that’s our kitchen table.

Movies and TV

Meet Jupiter, this year's 4-H project alpaca!

Meet Jupiter, this year’s 4-H project alpaca!

Video games

I’ve mentioned this when I talked about video-game learning in depth, but just to be super-clear as I talk about movies and TV and video games here: I realize our media choices are not for everyone. Many people believe some of these are inappropriate for anyone; others think they’re fine for adults but not high-schoolers. In our family, these are not “go off and play by yourself” deals. We game as a family, and more importantly, we use the situations in our games to discuss big issues, everything from language to racism to assault on women to crime to the Revolutionary War to online privacy and security. I’m not suggesting – and have never suggested – you turn your 7-year-old loose online or sit him in front of Grand Theft Auto for 8 hours unattended. And that’s all I have to say about that. 😉


AKA: Sometimes we spend a lot of time on YouTube, especially where cute animals and parkour are concerned.

Places and projects

  • We made a terrarium as one of our projects in the 4-H Wildlife Watchers Club.
Ashar works on her desert terrarium at a Wildlife Watchers 4-H Club meeting.

Ashar works on her desert terrarium at a Wildlife Watchers 4-H Club meeting.

  • We had a four-hour power outage, during which we painted by candlelight, Ashar read aloud, and we had a family game of “You’ve Gotta Be Kidding” (kind of like “Would You Rather?”)
  • Following damage from thunderstorms and yardwork, we helped relocate a family of displaced catbirds from a bush on one side of our house to the other. (There were babies, not even flying yet! It was amazing.)
  • My Uncle John came to visit – this is my mom’s older brother – he told us great stories about his work on his son’s farm, and helped us with the bird rescue effort.
  • At the alpaca farm, Ashar started working with her 4-H Alpaca Club project animal for this year, a gelded male named Jupiter who is BIG. Way bigger than any of the other animals Ashar’s worked with.
  • As Ashar’s other project (besides animal-showing) to enter in the August 4-H Fair, she’s needle-felting the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and has needle-felted a minotaur. I’m pretty sure it’ll give the judges a laugh; they’re used to seeing about a dozen felted bunnies, alpacas and pumpkins.
  • ALSO in 4-H fair prep (you can see where we’re spending our time this month!) Ashar did her oral presentations on her terrarium and her felted projects during a recent club meeting. Giving this presentation earns the kids an extra 5 points on their project, and is the only way they can earn a gold ribbon at our fair.
  • In her free time, Ashar’s been writing a story about a zombie-fighting Monster Army in Britain, told in epistolary style; not coincidentally, she learned what epistolary style means!
  • Another fun 4-H thing: the Wildlife Watchers club was invited to join our local garden club on a tour of the gardens of a Master Gardener in our community, who spent a couple hours giving the kids a tour focused on raised beds and container gardening, hobby farming, organic methods of pest control and a bunch more.
  • We got our cats a cat tree. I can’t even.
  • We walked/hiked several times at the former golf course turned park-ish place near our house.
  • Forensic science camp was the absolute highlight of Ashar’s month. I’ll be talking about this in detail when I talk about our learning plans for the coming year, which feature forensics in huge ways. This was part of the Summer Academy program for gifted students in our area, and for four days, Ashar immersed herself in the world of blood types, fingerprinting, dental analysis, evidence processing, hardwriting analysis, observation skills and more. They ended their week with a skit depicting what they learned, and then Ashar came home and gave our extended family an impromptu lecture on all she learned for, like, 45 minutes straight!


Ashar's demonstrating how to determine blood type using a clotting agent, a skill she learned at forensics camp.

Ashar’s demonstrating how to determine blood type using a clotting agent, a skill she learned at forensics camp.

Odds and ends of stuff we’ve talked about

  • Whether it’s possible that we’re living in the Matrix (and all about the philosophical questions that surround “What is reality?”)
  • Why people want to kill tomato hornworm caterpillars, which Ashar finds amazing.
  • What to do when an alpaca gets loose and runs like crazy. (Not our alpaca, thankfully, but the chase was quite an adventure.)
  • A long, rambling conversation that Ashar actually got quite tired of about optimism, innate nature, soul, belief in an infallible god, yet belief in free will, with a side note about how people are happier when their choices match up with their true self as they were created. That was one crazy 2 a.m. riff.

So what’s new with your family this month? Drop me a comment! I miss hearing from all my “blog friends,” which is a big reason why I’m so motivated to post more regularly!

A birthday celebration: Abner Doubleday, NOT baseball’s founder

Well, the funny thing is, when we started writing this month’s “birthday celebration” post about Abner Doubleday, Ashar chose him over some other notable people with June birthdays because I told her he’d invented baseball.

Let’s get this out of the way right now: Abner Doubleday didn’t invent baseball. Oops! See, Moms learn things, too!

So, in honor of the anniversary of Doubleday’s birth, as part of the iHomeschool Network’s celebration of June birthdays, instead Ashar and I have teamed up to tell you about what this Civil War general DID accomplish in his lifetime!

Abner Doubleday unit study on Unschool Rules

All about Abner Doubleday

Abner Doubleday was born June 26, 1819, in New York. He was the grandson of a Revolutionary War soldier and the son of a War of 1812 veteran, so it’s probably no surprise that he entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1838.

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!

The legends say that Doubleday invented the game of baseball in 1839. But… he was a West Point student at the time! Doubleday himself never claimed to have invented baseball, and his letters and diaries don’t even mention the game, nor does his 1893 obituary in the New York Times.

Anyway, after graduating from the Military Academy, Doubleday began his military career, and by the time the Civil War began in 1861, he was a captain and second in command in the garrison at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

One thing Ashar and I liked learning about Doubleday was his tie to our area. In 1852, he married a woman named Mary Hewitt of Baltimore, which is just about an hour south of us, and during the Civil War, he was a major part of the Battle of Gettysburg, an 1863 battle that took place less than an hour to the west of our home in York County, Pennsylvania!

Doubleday had a tough task as a leader of a Union Army corps at the Battle of Gettysburg; he and his 9,500 men spent five hours battling 10 Confederate brigades numbering more than 16,000; despite Doubleday’s eventual (smart) decision to retreat into Gettysburg after hours of fighting, he and his forces held off and did serious damage to the Confederate troops.

After the Civil War, Doubleday continued his military service until 1873. Before he’d even entered the military, he worked for a couple of years as a surveyor and civil engineer, and after his service, he practiced as a lawyer, definitely an unusual combination of skills!

So what about the baseball thing?

Well, it turns out that history can be manipulated. (I know, you’re shocked!)

It started with a disagreement. Was baseball American, or was it a knockoff adaptation of the British game of Rounders? Well, as it turns out, some people really wanted to believe that it was American. So much so that they formed a group called the Mills Commission to ostensibly find out the truth, but mostly to back up what they already wanted to think.

When a mining engineer named Abner Graves claimed that Abner Doubleday had invented baseball and presented his “recollections” to that commission, well, they were pretty fond of it. (And there were other connections – the head of the Mills Commission, Albert Spalding, the president of the Chicago Cubs at that time, financially supported a group called the Theosophical Society, of which Doubleday was an officer.)

There’s some talk that there was a relative of THIS Abner Doubleday also named Abner Doubleday who might have gotten confused in Graves’ recollections, but since Graves was only 5 years old when baseball was created, it seems unlikely. This is one of those areas where the real history might be forever lost in misinformation, but one thing’s for sure – it’s almost impossible that it’s true that Abner Doubleday founded the game of baseball as we know it today.

But fundamentally, most of what happened was that a less-than-credible report came before a group that wanted to believe it, for its own purposes – come on, a decorated Civil War veteran creating the game? That would solve the “is it American?” argument once and for all, right? You can see how they wouldn’t be motivated to dig too deeply, unfortunately.

This YouTube video sums it up pretty well: Military? Check. Baseball? Not so much.

Read more about Abner Doubleday

  • I have to admit; I’m disappointed that I couldn’t find very many books for kids or early teens about Doubleday that didn’t perpetuate the baseball myth. It does look like Abner & Me, part of a pretty neat-sounding series called Baseball Card Adventures, might be the exception! I’m actually super-excited to have found this series, which is like an older-kids’ version of something like the Magic Treehouse series – time-traveling fiction based on and designed to teach about historical fact. We’ll definitely be checking these out!
  • For adults or older readers, American Legends: The Life of Abner Doubleday is a short Kindle book (less than 100 pages) that covers his life, the baseball myth, his military career and more, and would make a good read for someone looking to get a slightly deeper biographic view.

Ideas for discussion

  • Myths, legends and urban legends. It strikes me that the most interesting conversations Ashar and I have had about several topics include her saying things like, “But why do so many people believe it if it isn’t true?” There’s a lot to talk about in that vein with kids of all ages, from basic ideas like “Don’t believe everything you read” to more in-depth discussions of fact-checking, good journalism and credible sourcing for older kids.
  • Military service and family career paths. Doubleday came from a family with a history of military service. That still happens, but is it as common? What about in other careers? I know one woman whose parents are chiropractors, and both of her brothers went into the same field. Talk about that – and about how your own kids might pick the careers that are a good fit for them.
  • Logical fallacies and cognitive biases. This gets back to the idea of people believing what they want to believe, and “fitting” the evidence to their theories. Older or gifted students might be interested in reading more about all sorts of cognitive biases and trying to identify them in their own lives. They come up way more often than you might expect!

Join the birthday party

If you’re interested, there are many more cool “June birthday” lessons from my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers. Click the image below to check them out!

And thanks for stopping by to help me wish Abner Doubleday a happy birthday!

You can check out more posts in our Learning Party series here!

The ultimate guide to Pennsylvania homeschooling and unschooling

Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling and Unschooling in Pennsylvania

Every so often, this map (courtesy of the Home School Legal Defense Association) makes the rounds among homeschool bloggers.

It talks about the degree of regulation that each state puts on its homeschoolers, and our state, Pennsylvania, is always rated among the most heavily regulated.

If you live in Pennsylvania, it’s probably not a surprise. Even homeschoolers elsewhere have heard the horror stories that home learning here is restrictive, hard to do, highly regulated and so on.

Yet our family has homeschooled successfully in Pennsylvania for two generations (during my teen years, and now during Ashar’s) with little issue.

That’s why I’ve made the time over the past few weeks to compile what I hope will be the ultimate guide to homeschooling and unschooling in Pennsylvania – because it’s VERY doable when you know the law.

Here’s who this guide is for:

  • Parents who want to homeschool in Pennsylvania but have heard it’s super-complicated.
  • People who want to understand the different options for education in Pennsylvania, like cyberschooling, charter schools and more – and how they compare with homeschooling.
  • Those already homeschooling in Pennsylvania who aren’t sure what the law really requires.
  • Parents of homeschooled middle- and high-schoolers who are concerned about diplomas and transcripts.
  • Unschooling or relaxed homeschooling families who aren’t sure how to produce the right documentation without a traditional curriculum.
  • Pennsylvania families (homeschoolers AND otherwise!) who are looking for fun field trips around the state.

That’s a big list, right? Mostly, I encourage you to read through and see how we’re making homeschooling work in our home state – even if not all these areas apply to you.

I love living in Pennsylvania – and I hope I can shine a light on some of the resources that have helped us homeschool without a problem, and while having a great time!

As a full-disclosure disclaimer, I’ve got to be very clear: I’m not a lawyer, and my interpretations of the law aren’t to be taken as “legal advice” of any sort!

Pennsylvania homeschool laws: An overview

Note: This guide is up-to-date with the October 2014 changes to the Pennsylvania homeschool law to the best of my understanding. As I said above, I’m no lawyer, but this info is current as I understand it.

If I can impress nothing else on you, please know this: The best thing you can do in Pennsylvania is read the homeschool law yourself. Read it over and over. Read it some more. Next month, read it again. Do it again the month after that. It is a bunch of legalese, but it is understandable, and your absolute best safeguard in any situation is to truly know what is and isn’t required. I can’t tell you how much this has helped me personally!

You can read the law on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website here. You can also check out more info via the Home School Legal Defense Association site.

I also heartily recommend – and you’ll hear plenty about this throughout this guide – the amazing Ask Pauline website, which truly is an ultimate guide of ultimate guides to Pennsylvania homeschooling.

Specifically, Pauline’s Guide to Pennsylvania Law is a great walkthrough of what you need to know. I encourage you to read through this guide, then come back, click that link, and read through it and all the links contained in it; if you do that, you will know more about the PA law than most school district administrators!

We’ll come back to the specific documentation requirements for homeschoolers in Pennsylvania in a little bit, but the bottom line is this: If you have a high-school diploma or the equivalent, and if no adult living in your home and/or having custody of your child has a felony conviction, you are legally qualified to homeschool in Pennsylvania.

Cyberschooling, private tutoring and cover-schooling in Pennsylvania

Before we start talking about what homeschooling requires, let’s talk about some things that aren’t homeschooling, at least in a legal sense, in Pennsylvania.

One of the biggest things “mistaken for homeschooling,” as it were, is the cyber charter school program. You might be familiar with programs such as Commonwealth Charter Academy, PA Cyber, Agora, PA Distance Learning, PA Leadership Charter School, PA Virtual Charter School, 21st Century Cyber Charter School and more. We have friends in many of these programs, and while the material and approach vary slightly between them, they all have much in common.

Under Pennsylvania law, cyber charter schools are the legal equivalent of public schools. That means that your children, if enrolled in a cyber charter, are subject to all state public-school testing (such as the PSSA tests and Keystone exams), and will have their curriculum chosen for them based on the state’s prescribed standards.

Maybe that’s OK; in our family’s case, we are not in agreement with some of Pennsylvania’s procedures, including the pending move to Common Core, and we did not want to use a program of learning-at-home that applied the public-school standards and selections.

The tradeoff is, if that works for you (for instance, if everything about public school was fine for your child, but they need the ability to work from home instead of at school), there is no paperwork or documentation requirement on the parents of cyberschoolers. Again, it’s just like sending your child to public school.

Private tutoring is another piece of the Pennsylvania education-at-home system that is often misunderstood. It is homeschooling (and, in fact, falls under “Act 169,” or the Pennsylvania Homeschool Law of 1988) but it is more specific: It is homeschooling done by someone with a Pennsylvania teaching certificate, who only teaches members of one family, and who receives payment or other consideration for their service.

This is a great option because it has the potential to require significantly less paperwork and regulatory oversight for the homeschooling family, but it is often misunderstood (even by various “experts” across the state!) I highly recommend the Ask Pauline page on private tutoring for details on this option if you or someone you know is a certified teacher in Pennsylvania.

Our only personal experience with this option comes from friends of Ashar’s are homeschooled by their grandmother under the private tutor code in our district, and it has worked out quite well for them! As with other options, this is a case where being informed will make all the difference.

An option that is prevalent in many other states but not, really, in Pennsylvania is that of a cover school or umbrella school. In this system, your child is enrolled as a student in a “private school” recognized by the state, but that school’s students are all studying independently at home under the guidance of their parents. Then, rather than reporting to the local public school district as traditional homeschoolers would, these families “report” to the cover school.

Cover schools are not addressed in Pennsylvania’s homeschooling law. This is important to note, because some of them exist – but how your district treats them is up for debate! I highly recommend reading up on these via Ask Pauline’s cover school page, and I’ll echo her key advice: Most people who use what in other states would be considered a “cover” school still do and should file PA homeschooling paperwork and documentation as if they were homeschooling without it.

So we keep talking about these other things that aren’t what you’re probably here to hear about: Standard homeschooling in Pennsylvania. So how does that work? That’s what we’ll talk about next!

Required documentation in Pennsylvania: Overview

The are, essentially, either 5 or 6 paperwork items that you are required to have as a Pennsylvania homeschooler. Two (or three, depending on your situation) come at the beginning of the year (or the beginning of the homeschool program if you’re withdrawing your student mid-year) and three come at the end of the year.

The October 2014 changes to the law make drastic changes to which of these items need to be submitted to your school district superintendent at the end of the year, but not to the start-of-year documentation.

At the start of the year, you must provide to your district:

  • A notarized affidavit.
  • A list of objectives for each child in the homeschool program.
  • If your child has been identified by the school district as a child with a disability and has an IEP in place, your objectives for that student must have a pre-approval by a qualified party, and that preapproval becomes the third item required just in those cases.

Get sample copies of some of our family’s documentation

· More than a dozen samples of portfolio sections over five years, done from a radical unschooling style
· Sample secondary objectives (editable)
· Sample official homeschool transcript (editable)
· Sample letter revoking consent for IEP (editable)

All are free for Unschool RULES email subscribers. Get your copies here.

At the end of the year, you must meet with an evaluator (more on this later) and share with them a portfolio including:

  • A log, by date, showing materials read (commonly called the book log).
  • Proof of attendance showing the appropriate number of days and hours completed.
  • Samples of work from a variety of areas.
  • Only if your child is considered to be in 3rd, 5th or 8th grade, the results of an accepted standardized test.

After meeting with your evaluator, you will receive a certification letter from that person confirming that your student has made continuing progress.

That, and only that, must be submitted to your school district’s superintendent by June 30 of each year.

Let’s go into each of these items in detail.

The notarized affidavit for Pennsylvania homeschoolers

Believe it or not, this is the simple part. You just need to swear in writing, and have it notarized, that you meet certain stipulations:

  • That instruction will be given in English
  • That the person supervising the home-education program is the student’s parent or legal guardian
  • That said parent or legal guardian has a high school diploma or equivalent
  • That the student has received any immunizations required by law (or that the student has a religious or medical exemption to the same)
  • That the student has received any other health and medical services required by law
  • That no adult living in the home or any person having legal custody of the student has been convicted of particular crimes within the past 5 years
  • And that the home-education program will comply with the state’s provisions

In all these cases, your statement in the affidavit is enough. You should never need to submit a copy of your high school diploma, a vaccination record, a criminal clearance or any other “supporting documentation.”

There are districts that will ask for these things. Normally, a polite, “Actually, the statement in the affidavit is considered fully sufficient under the law” will end the issue; I have to use this each year when I don’t provide a copy of my daughter’s medical records.

You can find many sample affidavits online. There are many details and sample forms available on Ask Pauline here, and I offer a sample of the one our family uses as a gift to our email subscribers. If you’re a subscriber, check the link in the bottom of any email I send, and if not, feel free to use one of the links in this post to join!

Objectives and special-education preapproval

Wow, I hear a lot of people stress out about the objectives that they’re required to file with their school district at the beginning of the year.

“Do I have to list out all the curriculum I plan to use?”
“What if I don’t plan to use standard curriculum?”
“What if we don’t do all the things we say we’re going to do?”

The answers to these are NOPE, DOESN’T MATTER and ALSO DOESN’T MATTER!!

Ask Pauline offers a huge list of sample objectives here. These have been submitted by real Pennsylvania homeschoolers, using a variety of styles, across a variety of ages and grade levels.

Here’s a hint: These can be broad! For example, here are the science objectives I submitted this year.


  • Student will increase his scientific knowledge through experimentation, observation, museum visits, classes and reading.
  • Student will continue to pursue focused advanced scientific study in areas of interest, including zoology and chemistry.

That’s it. It’s also likely what I’ll submit next year, and the year after that… which is the great thing. The phrase “appropriate for his age, interest and ability level” appears multiple times in our objectives – because it means that we’ll do the same type of thing, with changes as Ashar becomes more skilled.

Don’t stress too much about these. Resist the urge to over-specify. The law clearly states that “The required outline of proposed education objectives shall not be utilized by the superintendent in determining if the home education program is out of compliance.”

There is one particular case in which you have one extra step to do here. If your child has been officially identified by your district as a child with a disability – which, essentially, means if you were a former public-schooler with an IEP in place, as we were – your objectives need to be pre-approved by a person meeting particular criteria before they’re submitted to the district.

To pre-approve objectives for a student with a disability under this law, you must be:

  • A teacher with a valid certificate from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to teach special education, or…
  • A licensed clinical or certified school psychologist

This person does not need to be a current special-education teacher, nor does this person have to be your evaluator. We used Ashar’s psychologist to pre-approve when we first decided to remove him from public school, then his evaluator, and now a local psychologist who is also a homeschool mom.

There is generally not a “form” for preapprovals, but the professional should sign the objectives as well as print their full name and any relevant ID number or certification information.

This isn’t a huge deal, usually, once you find someone to do it regularly. The alternative is to terminate your child’s IEP, a process we’re actually sorting out now, but that comes with both pros and cons. (You can read more about that option at Ask Pauline and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.)

The book log requirement for Pennsylvania homeschoolers

One part of the portfolio required each year for Pennsylvania homeschoolers is what many of us call the “book log.”

Specifically, the state law requires the portfolio to include “a log, made contemporaneously with the instruction, which designates by title the reading materials used.”

There’s a lot of debate and interpretation wiggle room in that statement, and I can’t begin to do it justice, but (as is the case for so much of this Pennsylvania homeschooling stuff), Pauline of Ask Pauline has an amazing resource on logs here.

I can tell you that we log our books read with the date, generally as we go, using this book log form. (Yep, that’s from Ask Pauline too; in fact, there are a bunch of varieties of log forms available here!)

In sixth and seventh grades, we literally only included books. Moving forward, I might begin including relevant movies, video games, TV shows and more, to help as we create a high-school transcript for Sarah. I’m not sure yet; I am definitely not a fan of providing more than the law requires!

Standardized testing requirements for Pennsylvania homeschoolers

The last thing I mentioned in end-of-year requirements states that you must include in your portfolio, “in grades three, five and eight results of nationally normed standardized achievement tests in reading/language arts and mathematics or the results of Statewide tests administered in these grade levels” if you’re homeschooling but NOT operating under the private tutor law.

Don’t get too freaked out about this. It does not mean that your child needs to take the PSSA or the Keystone Exams (the public-school assessments given in our state). It does not mean that if your child scores “poorly” that they will “fail” or anything of the sort. In fact, at worst, your evaluator may ask supplemental information.

When you turn in your evaluator’s approval, it would be rare, but if your district were to feel that you were not making adequate progress in your family’s education, officials there could ask for supplemental information, or request a hearing, but that is incredibly uncommon.

The most I’ve heard done regularly is that some parents will include a brief note if their child scores below their overall skill level with some explanation. That is certainly not required and may, in fact, draw more attention to the scores than is merited!

The evaluator is tasked with looking for “progress.” That means that test scores, while part of what you’ll submit a few times, are not by themselves a make-or-break.

You also have your choice of several tests. According to the State Department of Education’s circular (read more here), you can choose:

  • California Achievement Test
  • Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPIV)
  • Iowa Test of Basic Skills
  • Metropolitan Achievement Test
  • Peabody Achievement Individual Test – Revised Version
  • Stanford Achievement Test
  • Terra Nova
  • Woodcock Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement III
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test III (WIAT-III)
  • … or the PSSAs

There are differences between each that make research important. In our family, we only had one year of required testing (eighth grade) as homeschoolers, since we pulled Ashar out of public school midway through sixth grade. Ashar completed the CAT, or the California Achievement Test, which we chose because it can be administered in the home either online or on paper as long as it’s proctored by an adult who is not the supervisor of the home-education program.

We had actually considered, briefly, having Ashar take the PSSA, which I hate, but which he knows “how to take” because of his public-school indoctrination. In the end, we left the choice up to him, and I admit I’m glad he chose the CAT!

Some tests will require a specific type of person to administer. As always, the Ask Pauline website is a great resource here, with pros and cons of various tests listed on the testing page, as well as a ton of other great information, including details on testing levels (for instance, if I wanted, I would NOT have to give Ashar the eighth-grade CAT!) and how to actually get tests to administer.

Above all, I encourage you not to stress about this. One of the biggest downfalls of Ashar’s public-school career was the district’s need to teach to the PSSA. I am so glad that we have the freedom in homeschooling not to do that; why would I worry about something that will take us less than 3 hours?

Pennsylvania homeschooling portfolio requirements

So you’ve got your book log. You’ve got your standardized test results if your student was in third, fifth or eighth grade. Soon, you’ll head to your evaluator meeting (and we’ll talk more about that soon).

Meanwhile, there’s one final portfolio requirement. It says you should include “samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks or creative materials used or developed by the student.”

If I can impress nothing else on you, let me say this: Don’t go crazy on samples. Seriously. You do not need to include the end-of-chapter test from every textbook you use. You don’t even need to include any “graded” material, and we’ll talk more about that when we talk specifically about unschooling in Pennsylvania.

Your evaluator may have a specific number of samples they prefer. We’ll talk more about that in a minute, but please know that you have a lot of leeway in what a “sample” might be. In our family, we don’t do worksheets or textbooks. Many of our samples are photos from trips, blog posts, etc.

Some evaluators will only want to see your log, an attendance statement, test scores (if applicable) and one or two samples. Others expect to see a large number of work samples as part of the documentation they receive. Once again, Ask Pauline offers an amazing portfolio walkthrough.

One final note about portfolios: Somewhere in what you submit to your evaluator, you need to verify that you’ve met the state’s attendance requirements – either 180 days of education or an appropriate number of hours (900 for elementary students, 990 for secondary students).

Some people use a log to track this – for instance, I use this ultra-simple calendar; I bet you can’t guess where it’s from, can you?

Meanwhile, other people believe that a statement in your portfolio (usually in a cover letter) attesting that you’ve met your required number of days or hours can and does suffice. A lot of this is also evaluator-dependent; in our case, it’s no extra work to keep my super-simple calendar, and it helps me have an idea of where we “are” in terms of our documentation for the year.

Working with your evaluator and your school district in Pennsylvania

Finding an evaluator who’s a good fit for your family is the single biggest job you have as a Pennsylvania homeschooling parent.

In fact, we “evaluator-shopped” last year and chose a new evaluator because our previous one, while very nice, was not someone Ashar was comfortable with.

In our family’s case, a lot of our portfolio documentation comes in the form of photos and travel brochures, and during the evaluation, the evaluator will often want to hear from the student about what they learned, especially at the secondary level. Well, when Ashar is not comfortable, he… Just. Doesn’t. Talk. (Uhoh.) WAY too stressful.

Our new evaluator works in a style much more comfortable to Ashar (most of the questions are done in writing, with the interview part very informal). She also asks for a much smaller number of samples that’s way more in keeping with how I read the law. (Our previous evaluator wanted 10 samples in every “subject,” much more than the state law requires.)

For more on choosing an evaluator who’s a good fit, of course I recommend the Ask Pauline guide.

A few notes about finding an evaluator, just based on my experience:

  • Find an evaluator that is comfortable evaluating for your style and your family’s needs.
  • If you need to have objectives pre-approved for special education, while that CAN be done by some evaluators, it does not have to be done at the same time.
  • Understand the criteria for evaluating; many families have an educator friend who qualifies and who could provide the evaluation if willing. The law extends beyond current working teachers to any teachers with valid credentialing – retirees, for instance, qualify.
  • While people who are not teachers can evaluate under the “other qualifications” provision, the school district does reserve final say in accepting those evaluations, and you need to get them OK’d ahead of time. There was an evaluator WELL-known in my area (a longtime homeschool mom and consummate professional) and I believe every school district in my county accepted her – except mine. So double-check first!
  • A clinical or school psychologist is another option for evaluations, one not often explored. If your child meets with one regularly, consider whether that might work!

Graduation requirements for Pennsylvania homeschoolers

Let me be super-clear about one thing up front: You do not need to use a “diploma program” to graduate your child from a homeschool program in Pennsylvania. While such programs exist, the law is clear – and, I believe, helpful – in that it lists out some basic requirements, and if your child meets them, they are a high-school graduate. It’s that simple.

And, with the October 2014 changes to the law, the diploma you issue as a parent, signed by your child’s 12th-grade evaluator, holds exactly the same weight as any other diploma issued in Pennsylvania. Here is the approved diploma from the Pennsylvania Department of Education website, printable, complete with instructions.

So what is required?

There are two parts to the law. First, at the secondary level (between seventh and 12th grades), you need to reflect the following courses for your student:

  • English, to include language, literature, speech and composition
  • Science
  • Geography
  • Social studies, to include civics, world history, history of the United States and Pennsylvania
  • Mathematics, to include general mathematics, algebra and geometry
  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical education
  • Health
  • Safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires.

The law also says “Such courses of study may” (emphasis mine) “include, at the discretion of the supervisor of the home education program, economics, biology, chemistry, foreign languages, trigonometry or other age-appropriate courses…”

Notice what the law does not say.

  • It does NOT say that you need to include any of these courses every year.
  • It does NOT say that you need to have a year-long course on geometry, algebra, civics or speech.
  • It does NOT say that you need to represent foreign-language study.

These are some of the biggest misconceptions I hear about homeschooling high school, and I am again here to reassure you that it is doable. In this case, a “homeschooling high school expert,” Donna Botterbusch, who was for many years before moving out of Pennsylvania an evaluator in my area, says it best. She said in a workshop I attended last year that the law gives us a lot of freedom in this area.

And this isn’t something you have to lay out in a nice neat document (though I’ll talk about how you might choose to do that later). Essentially, this is a standard that your evaluator will be looking at to help measure whether your child has made consistent progress, and it’s a framework that allows you to know that what you’re doing stands up to any challenge!

Now, specifically to graduate, here’s what the law says:

The following minimum courses in grades nine through twelve are established as a requirement for graduation in a home education program:

  • Four years of English
  • Three years of mathematics
  • Three years of science
  • Three years of social studies
  • Two  years of arts and humanities

Let me say it again: If you meet these requirements, your student is a high-school graduate.

There are certainly “requirements” above and beyond this for admission to certain colleges. However, if college is in your child’s future, I encourage you to simply start a dialogue early (freshman or sophomore year) with a few schools of interest. Many have arrangements that go beyond their printed or online admissions policy.

In some cases, for instance, there may be a foreign-language “prerequisite” that can, with arrangement through the admissions department, actually be taken as a summer college course.

Knowing what goal you’re shooting for will help you know how you best want to work with your child to meet it!

For details, you can read much more about homeschooling high school in Pennsylvania on Ask Pauline.

Finally, one last thought: Keeping a good transcript, while not legally required in any way, is an excellent plan. I have already started keeping Ashar’s, and I’m following the guidelines of 120 hours of study as a full credit in any subject, 90 hours as three-quarters of a credit, 60 hours as a half-credit and 30 hours as a quarter-credit. This came from the Homeschooling High School workshop I attended locally with Donna Botterbusch, but you can read a variation of it from HSLDA here.

(And, if you’re within driving distance of York County in central PA, keep an eye on this page for info on upcoming Homeschooling High School workshops offered by the York Homeschool Assocaition. WELL worth a trip.)

Important ages and dates for Pennsylvania homeschoolers

  • Age 8: The beginning of compulsory school age in Pennsylvania (mostly/kinda). If your child has never attended another school and doesn’t live in the Philadelphia School District, you do not need to file any kind of home-education paperwork until the school year in which they either are 8 or will turn 8 within the first 2 weeks of the school year. There are a bunch of complicating factors here, including past attendance in a public-school first grade and a bunch of other weirdness; all I can do here is refer you to Ask Pauline for details!
  • Third grade: The first year in which standardized testing results must be included in your end-of-year documentation.
  • Fifth grade: The second year in which standardized testing results must be included in your end-of-year documentation.
  • Eighth grade: The third and final year in which standardized testing results must be included in your end-of-year documentation.
  • Age 17: The end of compulsory education requirements (mostly/kinda). There’s weirdness here, too, including reasons why you might want to continue to file paperwork even after your child turns 17, if they haven’t yet graduated. Again, Ask Pauline can help!
  • June 30 of each year: The last day you may complete your “educational year,” both in terms of meeting the days/hours requirement and the date by which you must submit your evaluator’s letter to your school district.
  • July 1 of each year: Assuming you’ve filed your affidavit and objectives by this time, the first date which you may begin counting days/hours for the new school year.
  • Aug. 1 of each year: The date by which, if you’ve homeschooled in previous years, you must file an affidavit and objectives with your school district. (There is no date requirement if you’re unenrolling your child from another school mid-year; you can file your affidavit and start at any time in that case.)

Unschooling in Pennsylvania

Let me be as clear here as I can be: Unschooling is legal. Unschooling is legal in Pennsylvania. You just have to know how to fit what it is that you do into the state laws, which I can tell you is very doable with a little practice.

And there is one key tip to start with:

Get sample copies of some of our family’s documentation

· More than a dozen samples of portfolio sections over five years, done from a radical unschooling style
· Sample secondary objectives (editable)
· Sample official homeschool transcript (editable)
· Sample letter revoking consent for IEP (editable)

All are free for Unschool RULES email subscribers. Get your copies here.

Keep good records.

An unschooling family of my acquaintance recently faced some pretty close scrutiny from their district because their portfolio was missing some information. I’m not suggesting you overcomply and send in a picture from every day of the year or anything like that – far from it. (And with the new reporting requirements, your district no longer sees your portfolio anyway!)

But if you want to be able to convince your evaluator that your learning-from-life lifestyle is working, YOU need to be prepared to hold up your end by showing them some of what you do, not just telling them, “Hey, we learned about x, y and z this year.”

The law requires us to show samples of work. It might not look like workbook pages or quizzes – our portfolio, for instance, is VERY heavy on photos from trips with a couple sentences about them – but be prepared to keep records that show you’ve done this awesome stuff!

Think broadly. This is my biggest unschooling takeaway. I resist the urge to fit our life into curriculumy-sounding boxes – except when it suits my need for appropriate documentation.

As I’ve worked on Ashar’s transcript, it’s been easier than I thought to fit the things we do into “classes” and “credits” – not for our use, but for Ashar’s future use pursuing work and higher education.

We won’t do “English 9” on a transcript. But we’ll definitely have a credit course reflecting “Literary analysis and film adaptation study.” Sounds neat, right? It’s something we do ALL THE TIME. We read books, and we watch movies based on them, and we talk about the differences. We don’t do it because it’s part of a “course,” but done over four or five years, it certainly adds up to one!

Be willing to think broadly. Match up things that seem unrelated at the time later on when you see a theme. (And guess what? That’s much more easily done when you’re keeping good records… see how that works?)

Know the law. Realize that graded material is not required or even discussed in the law. (Some evaluators may ask for it, but you have the right to choose a different evaluator if so!)

Realize that you don’t need to provide a “course” in speech or civics or any other topic that is listed in the law to be covered.

Realize that providing “samples of work” does not require you to frantically print out worksheets during the third week of June and sit your child down to do two dozen so you have them for the portfolio.

Realize that learning from life is OK. Take a deep breath. You can do this.

Most of all, don’t freak out. If you’re really interested in this topic, reach out to me. I actually do unschool “consulting” of a sense to help people make it work in Pennsylvania, and I’m always glad to chat about how we do it!

Awesome Pennsylvania homeschool field trips

I’m pretty astounded at all the cool places we’ve been able to go (and plan to go in the future) in Pennsylvania. This list could go on for miles. I’m including just a relative few of the places you might travel in-state and see cool stuff, but I’d be thrilled to hear your suggestions in the comments as well!

Western Pennsylvania

Central Pennsylvania

Eastern Pennsylvania

ihn-field-tripsYou can find an even more extensive list of Pennsylvania field trips here; the ones I’ve listed are just some highlights from our experiences.

This post is also part of the iHomeschool Network’s Best Homeschool Field Trips linkup. Click the image at right to read more!

Even more great resources

First of all, if YOU have books, websites, field trip ideas or other resources on homeschooling in Pennsylvania, please leave me a comment below! I’ll keep updating this guide with as many great resources as possible.

Some assorted other notes:

  • Did you know that, IF you want to use it, your school district must provide you with a copy of all texts and instructional materials your child would use in public school? Most homeschooling parents I know don’t want to use the public school’s curriculum, but if you want it in full or part, it’s a great FREE way to get materials you might not otherwise be able to.
  • School districts are generally required to allow Pennsylvania homeschoolers to participate in extracurricular activities like sports as well. You can read more about extracurriculars and homeschoolers on the Pa. Dept. of Education website here.
  • In Dillsburg, here in central Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Curriculum Exchange is a large store offering new and used curriculum for homeschoolers.
  • There are more local homeschool support groups than I could list here and try to cover the whole state. I highly encourage you to search online for your county’s name and “homeschooling,” and also, check out Facebook. I LOVE my York County homeschoolers Facebook groups!
  • One of my favorite fellow Pennsylvania homeschool bloggers is Judy of Contented at Home. After Ask Pauline, Judy is my top recommendation from today’s post! Specifically, if you want to learn about Pennsylvania, I highly recommend her Ultimate Guide to Famous Pennsylvanians and Ultimate Guide to Famous Pennsylvanians. These are AMAZING learning guides.

iHomeschool Network ultimate guides to homeschooling seriesThis post is part of the iHomeschool Network’s Ultimate Guides series.

Click the image at right to see great tips from some of my fellow bloggers on everything from homeschooling gifted learners to field trips for homeschoolers to establishing a reading culture in your home!

A birthday celebration: Leonardo Da Vinci, art and invention

In early 2011, our family took a trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to see a special exhibit on the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci.

Very unfortunately for today’s post, photography wasn’t permitted in the exhibit, but even without pictures as a reminder, we’ve remained interested in the work of this artist, inventor, scientist and mathematician.

And that’s why, for what would have been his birthday on April 15, I’m sharing a few resources and thoughts today about da Vinci as part of the iHomeschool Network’s celebration of April birthdays.


All about Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born April 15, 1452, in the small town of Vinci (hence the “da Vinci” part of his name).

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
He was the illegitimate son of a wealthy notary, Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina. His name really means Leonardo, son of (Sir) Piero, of Vinci, so he doesn’t have what we’d call a traditional last name!

While he was fairly well-educated in many disciplines as a child, it was art that really caught Leonardo’s eye, and he apprenticed himself to artist Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio, when he was 14. He worked with Verrocchio for many years.

Now, we recognize da Vinci as a true Renaissance polymath – a man who could invent with an eye for mathematics and architectural detail, an artist, a philosopher. But during his life and the years after, he was primarily known for his art, most notably his paintings of The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He was a much more prolific sketcher than painter, however, keeping dozens of notebooks of sketches; one of his most famous is The Vitruvian Man, which I love because it combines the ideals of art and math as it studies human proportion.

If you haven’t seen it before, one of my favorite da Vinci inventions is the mechanical lion. Legend has it that da vinci may have actually built a working version of this for the king of France that actually stopped and dropped several flowers!

In this YouTube video, you can see a reconstruction based on da Vinci’s sketches of this mechanical lion. I can’t imagine building such a thing using today’s technology, and here was a man who envisioned it hundreds and hundreds of years ago! We were able to see a different replica of this at the Franklin Institute exhibit, and it is the one thing I truly wish I had photos of!

Read more about Leonardo da Vinci

Books and more to help you learn about Leonardo da Vinci

  • Leonardo’s Anatomical Drawings from the Dover Art Library is a great, low-cost look at specifically the figure studies of da Vinci.
  • This Da Vinci Catapult Kit will help you build your own – you guessed it – working catapult. (A small one.) We have this kit and cannot wait to build it!
  • Journal of Inventions: Leonardo da Vinci is the book I most highly recommend. You’ll get to see all sorts of da Vinci’s creations in 3-D popup format. It’s not just for little kids – I love looking through it myself!
  • If you have younger kids, Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? is part of a beginners’ biography series we have loved.

A quick museum plug

sarah-building-da-vinciIf you happen to be on the East Coast of the United States, I highly recommend a trip to the Da Vinci Science Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

So does Sarah; in fact, when I started working on this post, that was what she said I had to be sure to tell everyone to go and do!

The museum is designed more for slightly younger children than Ashar, but she still had a great time with some of the more advanced exhibits, like the “build an earthquake-resistant building” one you can see her working at here.

She also loved learning about the museum’s namesake, da Vinci, and his dream to build a 24-foot-tall horse sculpture. You wouldn’t think this would be an architectural feat, but it truly was.

You can read more and watch some cool videos about this on the museum’s website here!

Join the birthday party

If you’re interested, there are many more cool “April birthday” lessons from my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers. Click the image below to check them out!

And thanks for stopping by to help me wish Leonardo da Vinci a happy birthday!

You can check out more posts in our Learning Party series here!

A Star Trek birthday celebration: Beaming up with Kirk, Spock and Scotty

Almost since the beginning of our homeschooling journey in 2012, Ashar has been fascinated by space. We’ve investigated it through history, through astronomy, and possibly through the most detail in fiction. Specifically, Ashar has watched every episode of several Star Trek series on Netflix, watched all the movies, read dozens of Star Trek books, and otherwise immersed herself in the world of the Starship Enterprise!

That’s why, as part of the iHomeschool Network celebration of some noted figures born in March, I’ve chosen to take a look at three of the mainstays of Star Trek: The Original Series – William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk); Leonary Nimoy (Science Officer Mr. Spock); and James Doohan (Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, aka “Scotty”).

Learn about actors William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan of Star Trek fame in this brief study from Unschool Rules

This month, instead of going into great detail on all three of these gentlemen, I’m going to share a few fun facts about their lives, and then direct you to some amazing resources for homeschooling with Star Trek that do a much more thorough job than I could possibly do!

All about William Shatner, aka James T. Kirk

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!
William Shatner, who was born March 22, 1931, celebrates his 83rd birthday this year.

Shatner is actually Canadian – born in Montreal, Quebec.

He’s been acting since the 1950s – and all of the Star Trek actors filmed their episodes from 1966 to 1969, more than 20 years before I was watching it on reruns and more than 40 years (!!) before Ashar dug into Star Trek on Netflix!

You can read more about Shatner on Wikipedia, on his website and on his IMDB page.

All about Leonard Nimoy, aka Mr. Spock

Nimoy also turns 83 this year; he was born March 26, 1931, in Boston. Like Shatner, he acted in some theater and mid-level movie roles before being cast as the half-Vulcan, half-human science officer Spock. (Interestingly, he and Shatner first worked together in 1964 on an episode of The Man From U.N.C.L.E.!)

After Star Trek, he continued to act in a variety of roles, and both starred in many of the Star Trek movies, and directed one of the most popular ones, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Unknown to me until Ashar took an interest in him, Nimoy also directed Three Men and a Baby! His varied career also includes the release of several records, his skill as a private pilot, his original training as a photographer, and two autobiographies, I Am Not Spock and I Am Spock.

One of the things I love most is hearing that he and Shatner really are lifelong friends, especially since their TV and movie friendship is one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen.

You can read more about Nimoy on Wikipedia, at his photography website and on IMDB.

All about James Doohan, aka Montgomery Scott

Doohan is the member of this trio who has, unfortunately, passed away. He was born March 3, 1920, and died July 20, 2005, a couple of years before Ashar started watching him portray the always-competent engineer Montgomery Scott. (Interestingly, Doohan’s middle name was Montgomery, and he chose the name Montgomery Scott for his character after his grandfather.)

Like Shatner, Doohan was born in Canada, and in fact served in the Royal Canadian Artillery during World War II, and was shot six times storming Juno Beach on D-Day. (Unfortunately, he was shot by a fellow Canadian!) He survived, but his right middle finger was amputated, which he concealed all during his acting career.

Though his noted “Scottish” accent as Scotty is perhaps one of the most famous of all time, Doohan actually had a talent for many accents and went over them with creator Gene Roddenberry to find the right one for the part.

Interestingly, for a long time, Doohan did not get along well with Shatner in real life, even being quoted as saying “I like Captain Kirk, but I can’t say that I’m very fond of Bill.” Before his death, though, the two did appear together on more amiable terms.

You can read more about Doohan on Wikipedia and on his IMDB page.

And, of course, you can hear some of his most famous lines here!

Star Trek learning

Now this is what it’s all about, for our family. We love to learn through books and movies, and we don’t really differentiate between “educational” movies and books and “noneducational” ones.

Some movies, though, really spark a lot of discussion even when they don’t purport to be traditionally educational, and Star Trek series is a great example of this. Some of the things it led us to talk about include:

Join the birthday party

If you’re interested, there are many more cool “March birthday” lessons from my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers. Click the image below to check them out!

And thanks for stopping by to help me wish William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan a happy birthday in thanks for all the fun they (and Star Trek) bring our family!

You can check out more posts in our Learning Party series here!

A birthday celebration: Learning about Abraham Lincoln

We should probably get this out of the way: Abraham Lincoln did not slay any vampires. That we know of.

But despite his lack of supernatural enemies, our 16th president did not lack for obstacles to overcome. He served during perhaps the most difficult period in the nation’s history, the Civil War, when half the country was at war with the other half. This towering giant of a man (no, really, he was 6-foot-4 even without the hat!) known as Honest Abe easily merits a spot for his 205th birthday on the iHomeschool Network’s celebration of February birthdays.

Learn about President Abraham Lincoln in this brief study from Unschool Rules

All about Abraham Lincoln

Disclosure: This post has some affiliate links. I only link to things we legitimately use and recommend, so if you see such a link, it's because we really do believe in the book or item!

Abraham Lincoln was born in a one-room log cabin on a farm in Kentucky on Feb. 12, 1809. Though many think he was born in Illinois, Lincoln didn’t call the Bluegrass State home until the age of 7.

Abe’s reputation for honesty began at an early age. One story has him working as a cashier in a grocery store. When he was counting the money at the end of the night, he supposedly realized that he had more money than he was supposed to. Realizing he had overcharged a customer by a few cents, he walked several miles to the man’s home in order to repay the money.

Now, as with most stories that serve as the source for historical nicknames, it’s unknown whether that one is completely true. Regardless, Abe was known for his honesty, especially in his first career as a lawyer. Several sources from the era documented how hard he tried to help his clients, even if it meant less money for him in the long run. Fellow lawyers considered Lincoln to be formidable — in a move right out of Twelve Angry Men, he successfully defended a man against a murder charge with an almanac! When a witness claimed to have seen his client the night the victim was murdered, Abe pulled out the book, which said the phase of the moon meant that little light was showing, and thus the witness could not have seen his client.

Visiting the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.One of Lincoln’s most famous speeches, where he said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” actually came during one of his losing campaigns for the Senate in 1858. Despite that setback, Lincoln still won the presidential election in 1860. Southern states, concerned about his strong anti-slavery stance, decided to leave the Union after he was elected in November of 1860 but before he even took office. On March 4, 1861, Lincoln was sworn in as president. Barely a month later, on April 12, the nation was at war.

Lincoln made big decisions during the war, changing commanders several times when they failed to deliver a swift end to the war. In July of 1863, he went to the battlefield in Gettysburg, PA, to consecrate the cemetery built on the place where almost 8,000 Americans (remember, both the North and South were still Americans) lost their lives. He delivered, in 272 words, his famous Gettysburg Address, which begins:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

The Civil War finally ended in 1865, after Gen. Robert E. Lee officially surrendered on April 9. Lincoln, having been re-elected in 1864, started to work on rebuilding a nation torn apart and torn down by the war. Sadly, on April 14, four years and three days after the first shots were fired and five days after the last guns fell silent, John Wilkes Booth fired one final shot while Lincoln was watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. Though he received medical attention, Lincoln died from his wounds on the morning of April 15, 1863.

Today, Lincoln stands for many things: Honesty. The courage to stand up for your convictions. The idea that everyone deserves the same rights. He’s considered one of the greatest American presidents, and is honored in many ways all over the country. He not only appears on the penny and the $5 bill, he also has a large memorial in Washington D.C., separated from another great American president (and February birthday-haver!) George Washington only by a reflecting pool.

There have been many, many books, plays and movies made about Lincoln (and not just about his vampire-killing prowess).

Read more about Abraham Lincoln

As always, Wikipedia has solid background on Abraham Lincoln. Actually, you can get pretty deep for truly famous historical figures like Lincoln, though you should always be on guard for false edits with such high-profile pages.

I Am Abraham Lincoln is a good choice for getting younger kids a basis for learning about Lincoln. It’s part of a series of books written by Brad Meltzer, who wanted a good way to teach his own children about heroes and who to look up to.

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer: Ashar picked out this book about the chase and eventual capture of John Wilkes Booth last year with one of her birthday bookstore giftcards. It’s an excellent middle-grade read based a book for adults by the same author, James L. Swanson. That one is Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer, if you have adults or older teens interested in digging deeper!

For teens, a good friend highly recommends Assassination Vacation by Ashar Vowell. The author takes a road trip to various locations where presidents were assassinated, including Ford’s Theater. She packs an amazing amount of historical information in, but manages to stay interesting throughout. You learn, for example, about the strange life of Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln. Robert Todd was not only present for the assassination of three presidents (his father, Garfield and McKinley), he also had his life saved by Edwin Booth — the more famous older brother of John Wilkes — in 1863 or 1864.

The Papers of Abraham Lincoln is a long-term project dedicated to identifying, imaging, transcribing, annotating, and publishing all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his entire lifetime (1809-1865). (And they need volunteers). Read more about the project at Wikipedia.

The Abraham Lincoln website has a wealth of info about the president himself as well as the memorial on the National Mall. Check out their interactive version of the memorial without even leaving your living room.

The Lincoln Archives are an essential resource for primary documents for Lincoln’s administration. Similar to the Papers of Abraham Lincoln, the Lincoln Archives aim to have all the governmental records produced during Lincoln’s administration digitized and available via the Internet. These kinds of papers are essential for deep learning about history, as they provide the actual words and thoughts from the period.

Movies about Abraham Lincoln

  • The Young Mr. Lincoln (1939): Henry Fonda stars in a fictionalized account of the early life of Lincoln, facing his greatest court case.
  • North and South (1985) and North and South, Book II (1986): Hal Holbrook portrays Lincoln in these two TV miniseries, which are based on the Civil War novels of John Jakes.
  • The Perfect Tribute (1991): Jason Robards is Lincoln in this movie, which is based on a historical novel about the president battling through a low point during the Civil War.
  • Lincoln (2012): Daniel Day-Lewis won the Best Actor Oscar for portraying the president in this well-regarded Steven Spielberg film. Ashar surprised us by not only sitting through but really following all of this movie in the theater!
  • Looking for Lincoln (2009): This can be considered an “unvarnished” look at Lincoln, as its stated purpose is to show the “real” Lincoln, the man behind the myth. A quote from Lincoln’s biographer pretty much sums up the movie’s theme: “It’s not Lincoln’s fault he was mythologized …” The documentary includes interviews with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and plenty of historians.
  • American Experience: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (2009): This documentary focuses exclusively on Lincoln’s assassination, and goes into pretty deep detail on the subject. It also includes some brain-bending what-ifs at the end that are sure to provide discussion points.
  • Ken Burns: The Civil War (Commemorative Edition) (1990): With a runtime of 11 hours, Ken Burns’ Civil War is long but thorough. Though it obviously spans much more than just Lincoln’s life, Lincoln plays a fairly central role in the story. The documentary is a treasure trove of Civil War learning, though it’s advised to stretch out viewings and not try to get it all in one or even a few sittings.

Ideas for discussion

  • Faith in yourself and beliefs. Lincoln stood for a lot of things in his life, and provides an object lesson in how to stand up for what you think is right. Even when faced with the prospect of losing half the country, Lincoln never wavered in his belief that slavery was wrong. In fact, even though there was a direct benefit (an easier time as president) for him and no personal downside, Lincoln still believed that the equality of man, regardless of skin color, was the most important thing. What values are important to you, that you would fight to uphold even if it meant some personal hardship?
  • Historical/famous people are still people. Many of the historical stories we hear and read about have to be condensed down in order to get across the most important points, but we sometimes lose the full sense of people and their actions when that happens. For example, though there wasn’t space to mention it above, it’s important to note that some of Lincoln’s decisions, such as suspending certain legal rights saying that the government has to provide a reason why it’s holding someone in jail (known as habeas corpus, which you can read about here). It’s an obscure topic to be sure, but it’s important to note that rarely is anyone, even a famous historical figure, always right about everything. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone messes up. It’s how we respond to those mistakes, and how we own up to them, that marks the true measure of person. Making a mistake isn’t a problem — making the same kind of mistake over and over is.
  • What it means to disagree. War is the biggest manifestation of two sides disagreeing over something, which makes the Civil War the perfect (worst) example of settling an argument. Whether it’s politics, splitting a dinner check or even an argument between siblings, knowing how to relate to other people and how to properly settle disagreements is a vital skill to master. The Civil War literally split families, brother fighting against brother, over the issue of slavery. Discussion and empathy are always better than fighting and arguing. You might still end up completely disagreeing with one another, but it doesn’t mean you have to hate each other.

Join the birthday party

If you’re interested, there are many more cool “February birthday” lessons from my fellow iHomeschool Network bloggers. Click the image below to check them out!

And thanks for stopping by to help me wish Abraham Lincoln a happy birthday!

You can check out more posts in our Learning Party series here!

More great history resources

Unschool Rules: Part of the iHomeschool Network Massive Guide to Homeschooling HistoryThis post is part of the iHomeschool Network Massive Guide to Homeschooling History.

Make sure to check it out for tons of other great history resources, including links to a dozen more Unschool Rules posts!

There’s beauty in everything: Unschooling fine arts

Unschooling: How we learn fine arts

In our family, we don’t “do” subject areas. We don’t really do tests, quizzes, essays or worksheets.

We’re radical unschoolers, and we believe that learning happens all the time, and for us, it rarely happens in tightly defined areas like “social studies” and “grammar.”

That said, I get a lot of questions from people who are unfamiliar with unschooling and wonder, “But how do you teach math?” (Or any other subject!)

That’s why I agreed to take part in the iHomeschool Network’s “5 days of…” Hopscotch series this week, in which I’m joining a bunch of my fellow bloggers to share how we “teach” language arts, math, science, history and fine arts.

It’s a little bit of a trick… because I’m not going to talk about teaching at all.

Instead, I’m glad to share how we learn, radical unschooling, eighth-grade-ish daughter style!

If you wonder how our learning happens “beyond the curriculum,” read on. Today, we’re tackling the ways things like music, art, dance, theater, language and more happen in our lives – unschooling fine arts!

Unschooling and art

Flow, acrylic on yupo art by Joan OttoI realized as I was writing this post that I haven’t very often blogged about the ways we most often “do art” in our family. That’s funny, because it’s probably our single biggest family pastime, and one that I certainly owe a full post to soon!

That said, I’ve shared several examples in the past of ways we’ve created together, and ways we’ve enjoyed seeing the art of others.

Worth It, acrylic on yupo art by Joan OttoAshar and I often collage and scrapbook together.

More recently, the two of us, along with my mom, my best friend Nina, and several other friends of ours, have started working with acrylic inks on a synthetic paper known as Yupo. This is a creative process for us, but also a deeply personal one for us, too – we’re “embracing the mess” – in so many more ways than just artistically.

This is something I’ll share more about soon, but in the meantime, you can see several examples of the type of work we do all over this website. The background, for instance, is a version of a piece of mine titled “Worth It.” (And you can see the original above.) The background image to the icons with this weeks’ series, the bold orange? That’s a work titled “Unlimited.” This post’s iconic image is backgrounded with part of a work titled “Blessed,” and this one is a piece of a work called “Flow,” which you can see in full a little higher up in today’s post!

Jazz Bluebird, acrylic on yupo art by Ashar OttoAnd this one is my favorite: the background for this post image is a smaller piece one of Ashar’s works, “Jazz Bluebird,” which won first place at the 2013 Yorkfest fine arts competition locally, and which you can see at right!

I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing the “sneak peeks” at our art, and I hope you’ll check back soon for more about it.

We’re continuing to explore all sorts of mediums, but this one has actually turned into a full-on “credit” Ashar can use in her high school transcript, because of all the hours she’s devoted to it!

Unschooling and music

We love music.

Phantom of the Opera homeschool unit study learning guideFrom The Beatles to Duran Duran to Paul Simon to David Byrne to Celtic Thunder to The Phantom of the Opera to dubstep, Ashar has really found her way into an eclectic mix of music that she loves.

The great thing is that we listen to all sorts of music as a family, which helps spark her interests. But even cooler is how interested she has been in digging deeper.

For instance, a TON of our musical talks this year came once we got The Beatles: Rock Band for PS3. Ashar and I play that together a couple nights a week and she’s basically memorized the entire Beatles catalog at this point!

We’ve talked about everything from their rise to fame, their influencers (and the bands they influenced), the drug culture, the history of the world at that time, and more. We’re even taking a Coursera course this spring on The Music of the Beatles, which I thought was awesome timing. Ashar’s reading a Beatles graphic novel biography right now, and we are trying to find a cheap way to watch Yellow Submarine.

Multiply this across a variety of genres, done multiple times each year, and adding in as many trips to live musical performances of all kinds as we can afford, and you get a pretty amazing “unschooling music” curriculum!

Unschooling and language

Ashar has a ton of fun picking up new languages. While she’s not officially pursuing any certain one, she’s used apps like DuoLingo to become familiar with at least the basics in a variety of languages. On DuoLingo, she particularly likes to work on Spanish with me as I work to re-familiarize myself with it after getting a Spanish minor in college and using it EXACTLY NEVER since then.

She’s also picked up various words of greeting and introduction from our PostCrossing exchanges, which I mentioned in our look at how we study world cultures!

And when she decided she loved the Irish Gaelic of her favorite singers, Celtic Thunder, she downloaded an entire set of free BBC Gaelic lessons onto her iPod!

Language is especially great in an unschooling family because it can be absorbed in so many ways. Watching our favorite anime in Japanese with English subtitles has led to us all picking up more Japanese than we’d ever expected, for instance. And because Ashar is familiar with so many languages, she becomes even more interested when she hears a new one and can identify what it might be based on what it “sounds like,” which I think is pretty cool!

The rest of the series

Monday: The power of words: Unschooling and “language arts”
Tuesday: It’s not all about numbers: Unschooling and “math”
Wednesday: Exploring the world and how it works: Unschooling and “science”
Thursday: You can’t escape the past: Unschooling and “history”
Today: There’s beauty in everything: Unschooling and “fine arts”

You can read all the posts here!

More five-day fun

This post is part of the iHomeschool Network’s January 2014 “5 days of…” Hopscotch series.

iHomeschool Network January 2014 hopscotchYou can see how some of my fellow bloggers are spending their five days here.

Many of us are sharing on how we teach or learn in these subject areas, from a variety of styles and perspectives! We sure are an eclectic group – I hope you’ll check out more!

And if you’re into the things we do in our radical unschooling family, check out my two previous “5 days of…” series, 5 days of real-world math and 5 days of video-game learning.

Finally, this post is part of the How to Teach Without a Curriculum linkup through the iHomeschool Network. Click the image below to read more posts on teaching without formal curriculum!


You can’t escape the past: Unschooling history

Unschooling: How we learn history

In our family, we don’t “do” subject areas. We don’t really do tests, quizzes, essays or worksheets.

We’re radical unschoolers, and we believe that learning happens all the time, and for us, it rarely happens in tightly defined areas like “social studies” and “grammar.”

That said, I get a lot of questions from people who are unfamiliar with unschooling and wonder, “But how do you teach math?” (Or any other subject!)

That’s why I agreed to take part in the iHomeschool Network’s “5 days of…” Hopscotch series this week, in which I’m joining a bunch of my fellow bloggers to share how we “teach” language arts, math, science, history and fine arts.

It’s a little bit of a trick… because I’m not going to talk about teaching at all.

Instead, I’m glad to share how we learn, radical unschooling, eighth-grade-ish daughter style!

If you wonder how our learning happens “beyond the curriculum,” read on. Today, we’re tackling the ways things traditionally known as social studies happen in our lives – unschooling history, geography and world cultures.

Unschooling and history

History is probably the most “co-curricular” thing we do.

That is, we really study history as the history “of” other things. Rather than a period-by-period approach, we are much more focused on topic-by-topic studies.

Urn depicting Herakles (Hercules) defeating the Nemean Lion at the Reading Public Museum in Reading, PennsylvaniaWhen we visit a place, we learn about the history associated with it. When we see a movie about a particular period, we’re often motivated to dig deeper into that time. When someone famous catches Ashar’s eye, we learn more about their place in the past (or present)! Even video games – especially video games – provide a gateway into different times.

And particularly with science and math, “history” really becomes the gateway to a ton of discussions about how things were discovered, and when, and why.

Let me start today by giving you a sampling of the ways we’ve engaged with history for you to check out. Don’t forget to come back here afterward, though, because I hope I can explain how we tie these various threads together!

Detailed view of a timeline for homeschooling historySo how do we come up with a coherent picture of the world’s past through these various explorations?

Well, a couple ways. First of all, let me start by saying that we have gaps. It’s only this year that Ashar became at all aware of what the Holocaust was, and there was a really embarrassing moment last fall when Ashar told a history-major friend of mine that the Confederates won the American Revolution. So… it’s a work in progress.

For our part, though, we have been trying to give “a sense of it all” by adding some of these things we study to our giant timeline. We’re not 100% at this by far, but having this hanging in our kitchen, and adding to it here and there, has really helped tie things together.

We’re also just conscious about talking about when things happen. For instance, when we visited Washington, D.C., in the summer of 2012, it was good to be able to explain that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, because Lincoln had lived and died almost 100 years earlier and his monument was already built!

That sounds obvious, maybe, but it was a way to put a proportion of space and time between those two events in a way that was very real to Ashar.

For us, history is a vast area to explore. We could provide an overview, and we certainly do try to strew experiences and conversations and books and movies that might help fill in the gaps, but at the same time, it’s been a huge benefit for us to dive deep into the times that most catch Ashar’s attention, and to fill in with breadth as we can.

My own experience was the opposite – years and years of “surveys” with no depth – and unfortunately it’s been a lot harder for me to fill that in as an adult!

Unschooling and geography

This is probably as much of an interest of Ashar’s as history. He is fascinated by where things are in the world, and by various places!

Gigantic map of the world mounted on foamboardOur humongous map of the world is really our biggest tool here. Almost any place we hear about, we find on the bedside map.

At one point, Ashar actually wanted to go into cartography as a career, and he still mentions that at times. Maps have always fascinated him, and we can sit for hours looking at ours and talking about things that happened in various places.

One of the most fun things we’ve done in homeschooling was when he and Chris discovered an old geography textbook and shared their thoughts about how perceptions have changed since 1920!

Unschooling and world cultures

Related to both geography and world cultures is one project that originally Chris started – family participation in the PostCrossing postcard-exchange project. You can read more about his experiences with it on his blog, Papergreat.

Originally, he started sending and receiving postcards worldwide, but he later created an account for Ashar and now he is participating too! It’s been a great way to receive notes from people around the world and find out what their daily life is like – AND it turns into a neat geography study!

We also find that fine arts play a big part of how we explore world cultures – music, dance, movies, language, etc. I’m going to talk more about this in the final installment of this subject-by-subject series; I hope you’ll check back for it!

The rest of the series

Monday: The power of words: Unschooling and “language arts”
Tuesday: It’s not all about numbers: Unschooling and “math”
Wednesday: Exploring the world and how it works: Unschooling and “science”
Today: You can’t escape the past: Unschooling and “history”
Friday: There’s beauty in everything: Unschooling and “fine arts”

You can read all the posts here!

More five-day fun

This post is part of the iHomeschool Network’s January 2014 “5 days of…” Hopscotch series.

iHomeschool Network January 2014 hopscotchYou can see how some of my fellow bloggers are spending their five days here.

Many of us are sharing on how we teach or learn in these subject areas, from a variety of styles and perspectives! We sure are an eclectic group – I hope you’ll check out more!

And if you’re into the things we do in our radical unschooling family, check out my two previous “5 days of…” series, 5 days of real-world math and 5 days of video-game learning.

Finally, this post is part of the How to Teach Without a Curriculum linkup through the iHomeschool Network. I hope you’ll check it out to read more posts on teaching without formal curriculum!

More great history resources

Unschool Rules: Part of the iHomeschool Network Massive Guide to Homeschooling HistoryThis post is part of the iHomeschool Network Massive Guide to Homeschooling History.

Make sure to check it out for tons of other great history resources, including links to a dozen more Unschool Rules posts!

Exploring the world around us: Unschooling science

Unschooling science

In our family, we don’t “do” subject areas. We don’t really do tests, quizzes, essays or worksheets.

We’re radical unschoolers, and we believe that learning happens all the time, and for us, it rarely happens in tightly defined areas like “social studies” and “grammar.”

That said, I get a lot of questions from people who are unfamiliar with unschooling and wonder, “But how do you teach math?” (Or any other subject!)

That’s why I agreed to take part in the iHomeschool Network’s “5 days of…” Hopscotch series this week, in which I’m joining a bunch of my fellow bloggers to share how we “teach” language arts, math, science, history and fine arts.

It’s a little bit of a trick… because I’m not going to talk about teaching at all.

Instead, I’m glad to share how we learn, radical unschooling, eighth-grade-ish daughter style!

If you wonder how our learning happens “beyond the curriculum,” read on. Today, we’re tackling the ways all sorts of learning happens in our daily lives through unschooling science.

Unschooling and chemistry

Wait, does this topic sound at all familiar?

Chemistry resource and learning guide from Unschool RulesI shared our favorite resources for studying chemistry and the periodic table in a huge post earlier this month.

In it, I talk about a lot of the books, movies, online courses, apps trips and more that we’ve used to help Ashar pursue her passion for this area.

I also share some thoughts on how we’ve used more “traditionally school-like” resources in an unschooling way.

This is important, because I don’t want anyone to think that being unschoolers means we CAN’T learn using things like official courses or textbooks; our mindset about them is simply much different. I hope you’ll check out our chemistry studies here!

Unschooling and biology

At the beginning of this “school year,” I shared our unschooled version of an eighth-grade-ish curriculum plan.

In it, much like I’m doing in this week’s series, I broke down some of the things we’d hoped to explore in a subject-by-subject manner. But what I said then, and want to reiterate now, is that most of the learning we do would be what, in education-speak, is known as cross-curricular. That means it’s kind of the opposite of subject-by-subject, and everything gets all mixed together! (Just like in real life!)

Well, our “biology” studying is no different. In fact, most of what we’ve learned about biology comes from a sort-of math book, Life of Fred Pre-Algebra 1 with Biology. Ashar has been into Fred’s adventures for a while now, and when she decided she wanted to get back into his story this year, she chose this book not for its pre-algebra, which is probably a little behind where she is mathematically, but for the biology component.

We’re reading Fred sporadically, but it’s been great for things like the night where we were talking about the Latin names of plants and animals and viruses, and Ashar wanted to know HOW those names were chosen and why. Guess what – Fred to the rescue! I should add, while this is described as a Christian series, we are a secular homeschooling family and haven’t had any problems using the fairly few spiritual references we’ve found as talking points about what different people believe, which we like to do anyway.

The question came up after we looked up the garden toad we saw on our front sidewalk and found out that his name was Bufo bufo. From there, we started looking up facts about the alpaca, aka Vicugna pacos.

And why alpacas? Well, because Ashar’s work with the York County 4-H Alpaca Club is probably the top source of science education overall, and biology/zoology info specifically, that we could ask for!

Ashar loves animals, and always has. We might not always call it biology, or zoology, but really a week doesn’t go by in which Ashar isn’t reading or watching or trying out an app or playing a game that teaches her something new about living things and how they work. She’s even “auditing” my own study of microbiology, and while she told me flat-out that the details of it “are ridiculous,” she’s picked up everything from how viruses replicate to the value of good bacteria.

So how do we facilitate biology learning, in general?

The short answer is by spending as much time outdoors and away from home as possible. You’re certainly more likely to encounter living things (plants, animals, even humans) NOT in your dining room! And, of course, because this happens to be a key area of interest for Ashar AND for Chris and me, reading and asking questions and sharing the answers with each other is a big key.

Unschooling and physics

So, unschooling physics.

I could make this section REALLY short and just give you one word: Mythbusters!

Really, seeing physics in motion (see what I did there?) is one of the coolest things for me about homeschooling. Even though I was a math major, I hated physics in high school and college. I just could not wrap my head around how the math part (which I understood) overlaid with the real-world applications.

So, really, Mythbusters has been amazing, because I can finally bridge the gap for myself between theory and application. But it’s also been a springboard into great questions from Ashar, all of which I can finally understand enough to help her find the answers – like when she asked me, “Why doesn’t the car stop right away when you hit the brakes?”

Much like with biology, the key is to be receptive to the questions and to help Ashar pursue the answers. Being involved in the world means there are LOTS of things to do with physics, energy and motion that will happen every day. Don’t overlook them – talk about them, and when you observe something, don’t be afraid to experiment and extrapolate!

Unschooling and astronomy

Solar system and space unit study guide for homeschoolers and unschoolersThis is an area Ashar was interested in last year, and which we pursued in detail, in large part through the study of the history of space travel!

You can check out our full resource guide for space and solar system study here.

In it, I talk about some trips we took, movies we watched, books we read and more. There’s even a list of some of our favorite space-themed songs!

I wish more public and private schools focused on space study. That’s why I’m so glad we were able to spend some time digging into it when Ashar was interested! In this way, she’s far ahead of her public-school peers, and while I normally don’t think too much about that, it’s a good reminder that there are great benefits to being able to pick the areas of focus that work for us!

The rest of the series

Monday: The power of words: Unschooling and “language arts”
Tuesday: It’s not all about numbers: Unschooling and “math”
Today: Exploring the world and how it works: Unschooling and “science”
Thursday: You can’t escape the past: Unschooling and “history”
Friday: There’s beauty in everything: Unschooling and “fine arts”

You can read all the posts here!

More five-day fun

This post is part of the iHomeschool Network’s January 2014 “5 days of…” Hopscotch series.

iHomeschool Network January 2014 hopscotchYou can see how some of my fellow bloggers are spending their five days here.

Many of us are sharing on how we teach or learn in these subject areas, from a variety of styles and perspectives! We sure are an eclectic group – I hope you’ll check out more!

And if you’re into the things we do in our radical unschooling family, check out my two previous “5 days of…” series, 5 days of real-world math and 5 days of video-game learning.

Finally, this post is part of the How to Teach Without a Curriculum linkup through the iHomeschool Network. Click the image below to read more posts on teaching without formal curriculum!
