Biographies, biographies, biographies!
Our family’s reading includes a lot of biographies – what a great way to learn in our homeschool!
Our family’s reading includes a lot of biographies – what a great way to learn in our homeschool!
Our unschooling lifestyle doesn’t lend itself to a school “room.” But you know what we do have? Books. And lots of bookshelves. Here’s the tour.
We don’t do grade levels. We don’t do textbooks. Here’s our radical unschooling 7th grade-ish plan, heavy on travel, movies, books and fun.
Here are some great blog posts about homeschooling, educational philosophy, helping your kids worry less and more.
John Holt’s “Learning All the Time” and Nancy Wallace’s “Better Than School” are great reads if you’re interested in pursuing an unschooling lifestyle. Here are some of my favorite parts.
Here’s a look at some of our favorite Philadelphia, Independence Hall, Ben Franklin and Liberty Bell homeschooling learning resources.
After reading Lynn Reid Banks’ book “The Indian in the Cupboard,” Ashar decided to act out scenes from the book with cowboy and Indian figures.
Our April 2012 Family Reading Roundup included a whole bunch of animal books!
Using a set of Makedo connectors to recycle old boxes, we made an amazing stegosaurus and wrote several news articles about him!
We don’t really “do” curriculum, but we made one big splurge at a local used-curriculum fair – a gigantic timeline of history.