Cowboys and Indians
After reading Lynn Reid Banks’ book “The Indian in the Cupboard,” Ashar decided to act out scenes from the book with cowboy and Indian figures.
After reading Lynn Reid Banks’ book “The Indian in the Cupboard,” Ashar decided to act out scenes from the book with cowboy and Indian figures.
A huge old box turned into a hideout in the corner of our dining room – complete with room for Ashar to sleep!
Interested in building a homemade skateboard? Here’s how we did it using some old Rollerblades, an unusued piece of wood and some simple hardware!
Ashar built a pyramid and made a cake. What did YOUR kids do today?
Here are a bunch of simple and amazing chemistry experiments you can do with household items like money, washers and vinegar.
Using a set of Makedo connectors to recycle old boxes, we made an amazing stegosaurus and wrote several news articles about him!
As part of our study of robots, we made some (nonworking) models out of Legos and recycled boxes.